Umekichi Journal2009


2009/11/30 (月) 13:28:03


I went to Kanazawa zoo in Yokohama yesterday for the first time. It was pretty cold day,but there were many up and down hills. So I got warmed. The gibbon had so cute face^^.
I don't know why there were many crows in the herbivor's spaces. Besides!! Herbivores were unfeathered.
Oh,my God!! I felt very sorry.......
In fact,I wanted to take a picture of tiger. But unfortunately there were not it:-<

昨日は初めて横浜の金沢動物園へいきました。寒かったんだけど、かなりアップダウンのある園内だったので温まりました^_^; テナガザルが可愛かった♪
なぜか分からないケド、草食動物のスペースにカラスがたかってて、ロバとかオリックスとかがカラスに毛をむしられてました(><) 可哀想過ぎる〜〜〜っ。

2009/11/27 (金) 18:43:34

I bought two shirts of heattech from UNIQLO. As you know it is so popular one. So there were not ordinaly color's. Then I choose pink one for me. And the gray one is my husband's. Is it really hot?? I have to try it.'s pretty worm day these days...


2009/11/24 (火) 9:47:00

I visited to my sister's house last Saturday with my husband. She lives in Yokohama,so not far from my house. We met her and her family for the first time in two years. Two nephews got taller than before. They were cute! We had curry pan dish(?) for dinner and after that we played Japanese chess and Wii.
I had a great time.

この前の土曜日は姉の家に遊びに行った。横浜に住んでるので結構近くです。姉一家に会うのは2年ぶりぐらいで、2人の甥っ子(中1&小2)は大きくなってた〜(*^_^*)でも可愛い♪ 夕飯にカレー鍋を頂き、それから将棋とかWiiのゲームで一緒に遊んだ。楽しかった〜♪


And I went to Lalaport Yokohama again last Sunday by car. It was only 18km from my house,but it took me 2hours!!!!! Unbelievable!!!! There were jammed a lot of cars from all around. What a disaster!!
My husband bought a cool jacket and I bought a pair of boots. We left quickly there. I never go there by car. I never go there on holiday after this.

日曜日は、ららぽーと横浜にまた行った。今回は車で。家からたった18kmの距離なのに、2時間もかかった(><) アンビリーーーーバボーーー!!四方から来る車で道路は大渋滞。最悪でした。旦那さんはカッコイイジャンパー買って私は写真のブーツを!それでさっさと出て帰りました。もう二度とここには車で行かないし、休日にも行かない!

2009/11/20 (金) 14:28:14

It was too cold this morning. Snowcapped Mt.Fuji was so beautiful today,too.
I heard that one my friend from Yamaguchi got back from Seoul yesterday. She visited some rerated place of TVXQ's member. I envy her very much.


2009/11/19 (木) 17:28:01

It's rainy day today,too. My husband will go for a drink after work,so I don't cook today's dinner. Besides I don't do the cleaning,too. Then,I went to Ito Yokado by bus,because I wanted to buy a pedal bin.
Ito-Yokado is not so far place from my house. I usually went there by bike or on my foot. But I got on a bus today,because of rain.
At first,I wanted to buy more small pedal bin. So....I had a hard time with which is best. After that,I decided big one. It's no problem.
But,,,,,,,I had to get a bus on my way home,too. I had to wait it at the bus stop for 6 to 7minutes. And the bus was filled with many high school students. I had a bad time on the bus. I don't like such a local bus.


2009/11/17 (火) 14:47:16

200円の定額小為替が1枚必要だったので、郵便局に買いに行きました。そしたら、200円のを1枚だけなのに手数料が100円もかかったことにビックリしました!!!!! 昔々・・・会社で働いていたころ、定額小為替は仕事でよく買いに行きましたが、私の記憶が正しければ手数料は1枚に付き10円だったと思います。
それがいつの間に10倍に?\(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/ あ〜〜〜ビックリ!耳を疑ってしまいました。きっと郵政民営化になってからでしょうか?知らないケド・・・。

2009/11/15 (日) 20:07:23

戸越銀座 歌舞伎座
I went to two kind of Ginza.
One of them was Togoshiginza,Shinagawa ward. Togoshiginza shopping street was showed many TV proglams. So I wanted to go there. I left a car near there and walked around. But.....there were nothing special things. And it was not so big.
Then I got on a metro from Togoshi to Higashiginza. I stopped at Ginza after a long time. I used to go there when I was living in Saitama. I saw Tha Kabukiza after a long time. I heard that rebuild the building soon. So I was great to see it again.


2009/11/13 (金) 14:19:38

I bought a Murasaki-imo Yokan the other day in Kamkura. The texture was same as Yokan,and the tast was really Murasaki-imo(Purple sweet poteto??). I felt not bad.
Lately,I'm very busy to see Korean TV drama series,again. Now I'm having fun "Inu to Okami no Jikan."


2009/11/09 (月) 14:47:43

I had my hair cut this afternoon. There were a lot of beauty salon near my house,so I couldn't decide which to choose in days. And finally I choose one. Then I reserved at 12:30 today.
Now,My hairdo is.....little short after a long time. I feel little cold.



It was fine day last Saturday. So I went to Hakone by car. But....I have to go back soon. So I couldn't relax there.


北鎌倉 建長寺


And,on Sunday. I went to North Kamakura area by train. And I walked 13,063steps,about 9.4km.
And I had lunch at one rolled egg reataurant. It was introduced one magazine that came out ten years ago. So I didn't know whether there is still it. Fortunately there was still it. Besides there was not long line. So I was able to have tasty eggs plate for 1,200yen. Isn't it pretty expencive?? After I went out from the restaurant,there were very long line!!! I was so lucky!! Phew....

それでとある卵料理のレストランへ行ったんだけど、その店は10年前の雑誌で紹介されてた店で、まだあるのか分からなかったんだけど、まだ存在してました(*^_^*) その上混んでいなかったので美味しい卵焼き定食を食べることが出来ました〜。でも1200円って・・・高いですよね? そのあと、店から出たらすごい行列が出来てました。ラッキーだったわ♪

2009/11/06 (金) 14:49:07


I went to see TOHOSHINKI THE LIVE2009 at TOHO CINEMAS Lalaport Yokohama yesterday by myself.
It was like a film concert. I chatted with my neighbor. She went there alone. Besides maybe we are similar age. So we had a comfortable chat. After the concert we had lunch. And we talked up a storm about TVXQ for two and half hours. We exchanged each other's e-mail address and so on. And we promised "Let's go to Shin-Okubo next time!" hahaha... I had a great day. And I'm very happy. She is a first my friend here.

昨日は東宝シネマズ ららぽーと横浜で”東方神起 THE LIVE 2009”を見てきました。1人でね。


By the way,one my friend who have been to England gave me Ginger cookies few years ago. It was very tasty! So I often looked for it in import goods shops. But I couldn't get it. But,finally I found it at a supermarket near my house! It's really tasty!! And I bought another kind of kookies made in England. It's tasty,too!!

でもついに近所のスーパーで発見しました!やっぱり美味しい♪ それとついでに英国産の他のクッキーも買ってみたんだけど、これも凄く美味しい!!

2009/11/03 (火) 14:24:34


How beautiful day!! I can see Mt.Fuji very clearly today,too.'s pretty cold. My husband went play golf. So....I have an usual day today,too. I found "Suppa-Mucho"at one supermarket. If you get a hit card,you can get TVXQ's QUO card. Wow! I want to get it. I already had one bag^^;

すごく良い天気(*^_^*) そして今日も富士山がクッキリと綺麗に見えています。でも結構寒い・・・。旦那さんはゴルフに行ったので、私はいつも通りの1日です。で、スーパーで”すっぱムーチョ”を発見したので買いました。もし当たりが出たら東方神起のQUOカードをもらえるんですよ〜〜!欲しいなあ・・・。既に1袋食べちゃいました^^;

2009/11/02 (月) 9:31:51

I drived around Miura peninsula last Saturday. I stopped at Jogashima island and Yokosuka. The view of Jogashima island was wonder. And I had a curry at Yokosuka. I don't know why a cup of milk came out with curry. Why? Is it a Yokosuka style??
After that,I found a Navy Burger's restaurant when I walked a street. It looked delicious!! I wanted to eat it!!



And,and....I went for walking to Izumi ward Yokohama city yesterday.It's pretty nearby my house. Then,I happened to see a Ferris Festival. It's a school festival of University. Wow! Ferris!? Great!
Then I entered there. And I found a picture of TVXQ. I was preased to know that they are popular with university students.

それから昨日は横浜市の泉区(?)辺りをウォーキングに行った。うちから結構近くなんだけど、偶然にもフェリス女学院の学際に出くわした!スゴイ!フェリス!? それで中に入ってみたんだけど、そしたら東方神起の写真発見! 女子大生の間でも人気があるって嬉しい〜♪