Umekichi Journal2009


2009/06/29 (月) 15:40:07

山陽道・玖波宿 玖波宿で見つけたひまわり

Do you know the TV proglam"Kaido tekuteku Tabi."It is broadcasted on NHK every day.
My husband likes such a proglam,so he is watching it every day.
Then,we saw
Kubajuku on the proglam the other day. And we tried to go walking there last Saturday. We walked 9,947steps,about 7.1km. It was pretty hot day,so I got up a sweat.
And,I have a muscle ache after that.
Even so,we walked to CD island yesterday morning. The CDshop takes a store-closing sale from last Saturday. It was about 2km from my house. So...we walked about 4km today,even thought I wore sandals^^;
At last I have a muscle ache more today:-<
And....I went to the CD shop with my friend this morning again. This time was by car.
I made a lucky find today!! It was TVXQ's single CDwithDVD. It was sold 50%OFF. Lucky!!!
I'm very tired.....

昨日は何も買わなかったんだけど、今日は掘り出し物を見つけた〜!東方神起の古いシングルCDなんだけどDVDも付いてるモノで半額!!! ヤッタ〜(*^_^*) 

2009/06/26 (金) 15:51:50


These are green-tea flavor Oban-yaki. My friend recomended me it always. Then,finally I got it today. The green-tea flavor cream was rich-tasting green tea and not so sweet. I like it very much.
But...I'm so stuffed,because I had BigMac plate,too for lunch(><)
By the way,I took a Hungle lesson yesterday after a long time. The teacher brought along her friend. He is her friend's boy friend. And he is a freshman of Tokuyama Univ.. Oh!!!Very young!! Like our son^^; He came Japan 3month ago. So...he can't speak Japanese well. So my teacher said"Please ask anything in Korean."
Of course,I could nothing. I only said "My name is XX. Nice to meet you. I'm TVXQ Changmin fan."Hahaha...
But my classmates could ask something in Koren. So....we had a great time.

先生が友達を連れてきました。友達は男性で先生の友達の恋人らしい^_^; 徳山大学の1回生!若い!!!!(><)まるで息子のような年齢だ〜〜!
日本に来てまだ3カ月で、日本語があまり上手じゃないってことで先生が「韓国語で色々質問してみて」と言うんだけど、もちろん私は全く出来ませんでした。せいぜい「チョヌン XXイムニダ.マンナソ パンガウォヨ. チョヌン トンバンシンギ チャンミン ペニムニダ〜」(私はXXです。初めまして。私は東方神起のチャンミンファンです)だけ言いました(笑)

2009/06/23 (火) 13:28:13

Too bad:-<
The new blead shop was opened near my house yesterday. Then you can draw the lotto once if you buy over 600yen. It was opening event.
Then,although there were many breads in my fridge,but I went to the shop. And I took some breads to the cash desk. And then,the total amount was......570yen!!!
I was shocked very much. But I couldn't say"I'll buy one more."
Even so,why the shop stuff couldn't say "If you buy one more,you can try the lottery."Unfriendly!!!!




2009/06/19 (金) 18:39:19

Yesterday,my husband took a day-off. So I baked pizza for lunch for the first time in my life. It was difficult to roll out the dough. So it was awkward. Hahaha....
By the way,my husband often take a day-off on Thursday these days,so I don't take a Hungle lesson:-< I wanna study more!!!!


2009/06/15 (月) 16:28:54


Today,I will write about TVXQ a little again. I heard that their tranpos were watched many roads. Maybe they doesn't take an expressway to promote(?). Then,please tell me when you see them from Osaka to Nagoya.



By the way,I treated my parents lunch the other day. It was Sushi!!!!!
There is pretty famous sushi restaurant
"Kikusui"in Akashi. The restaurant's is too expensive to me. But I found a great coupon of lunch on the net. This lunch plate was 2,205yen!!!!!!! How reasonable!!
Then I could treat. I had no idea of gift of father's day. So it was good!
They all were tasty!!


And I got a suvenior for my husband. It was "Anago-bo". It's famous one. I love it very much.


2009/06/13 (土) 9:33:13

At last.....I saw TVXQ 4th Live Tour 2009-The Secret Code-this thursday in Osaka-Jo-Hall.
ついに木曜日・・・東方神起4th ライブツアー2009 ザ・シークレット・コード・・・に参加することができました〜〜〜。

That day,I met one of my friend at Sannomiya. And we had a stone-bowl bibimba for lunch at Korean restaurant "Shijan." After that,we went for Osaka-Jo-Hall.
There were already some long lines in front of the hall. One of them was to get some items of TVXQ. Other one was to get some pictures of this concert......and so on.
Then we stood on a line to get some items about 40minutes. And we wanted to get some pictures,too. But it was really hot day,so we gave up.


And then we got a JR train and went to Tsuruhasi for the first time,because I heard there are shopping street like a Korean town. It was very gigger than I thought.



And we got back to Osaka-Jo-Hall again. And bought some bread for lunch at Hotel New Otani. And we had them before the concert is started.
Ah!! I took some pictures of "Tranpo." Do you know what is "Tranpo"? In fact,I didn't know about it. Many people called the truck that decorated their pictures "Tranpo". Why???
Then,I looked-up on the net. I'm not sure but.....maybe "Transporter"is shortend to "Tranpo." I got it!!!!
Anyway,the tranpos were really cool!! I took a picture with Changmin's. Hahaha...

トランポの写真も撮りました〜。トランポって何か知ってますか?実は私は知らなかったんです^_^; ネット上でみんな東方神起の写真のトラック(機材の運搬車)を「トランポ」って言ってるけど、なんで?って思ってたので、ネットで調べてみました(笑)

The concert started at 6:40pm. My seat was really backward,but......


The stage was good style,so I saw them pretty well.
Their concert was really great. They were really good at singing,dancing and talking!!! tell you the truth,I felt the band's sound was tooooooo big. Sometime we couldn't listen TVXQ's voice. So,it was really too bad.
Well,I want to see their concert next chance.

でもいい! 今度のコンサートもぜひ参加したいで〜〜〜す(*^_^*)

2009/06/09 (火) 8:42:56

Yesterday's morning,I saw one friend who went to TVXQ's concert in Hiroshima last weekend at Doutor.
Her seat was in the first nine rows. So,she could see all member by the naked eyes. Especially my most favorite member"Changmin" came before her eyes a number of times!!!!! Wow!!!!!!! She toled me Changmin was so cute and cool,besides get leggy. Yunho has a good figure. Junsu was cute. Yuchun was......I forgot^^; But.....Jaejoong's image was not same on TV.
Anyway they were really very good singer. Next is my turn. I can't wait.

彼女は前から9列目のシートですべてのメンバーが肉眼で見える距離だったんだって〜!特に私の一番好きなチャンミンは何度も目の前に来たらしい!!!!(><)!!!!! 彼女が言うには、チャンミンはすっごく可愛くてカッコよくて。。。足が長かったらしい(笑) ユノは一番スタイルが良くて、ジュンスも可愛くて。。。ユチョンは・・・忘れた^_^; ジェジュンはテレビで見るのと感じが違ったらしい。

2009/06/06 (土) 14:08:07


Wow!!! Many Japanese sweets what I like came my place these days. I'm happy.
One of them is Amanatto of Tanba's Kuromame. It is pretty unique thing. Another one is very famous Otabe. I had it after a long time. It was good,too.


2009/06/04 (木) 20:01:17

I attended at Birthday party of Korean teacher this afternoon. We planed it without telling her. So she looked very happy. We had a great time.
The teacher always doesn't have a time,because she is a colledge student. So we was chatting a lot after she have gone. Almost TVXQ's things. Hahaha....

先生は大学生なのでいつもあまり時間が無いんだけど、彼女が帰った後も、私たちはおしゃべりをずっと続けてました〜〜〜^_^; ほとんど東方神起ネタです(笑)

2009/06/02 (火) 10:58:32

マリノアシティ福岡 中洲

I went to the city center of Fukuoka last Saturday for the first time. Fukuoka city was very bigger than I thought. First,I stopped at Marinoa city that was outlet shop. It was pretty big area and there were many good shops I like. I bought only a white T-shirt.
And I walked around Tenjin and Nakasu area. I got on a subway,had a chinese noodale......and so on. There ware many interesting things. Wow!!! Fukuoka was great!! I want to go there again!! was about 210km from my house. Umm....too far.

この前の土曜日、初めて福岡の市街地へ行きました。想像以上に大きな街でビックリ! 最初にマリノアシティというアウトレットに寄ったら、結構広い敷地内に私の好きなお店が結構ありました。白いTシャツを買っただけだけど・・・。

チケットショップ  マリンメッセ福岡の前の都市高速を通過〜〜。画像が悪いです^^;

By the way,I found this ads when I walked in down town. The day that I went to Fukuoka, TVXQ had a concert in Fukuoka!!! Besides I passed through in front of the hall "Marin Messe Fukuoka"by car at the actual time of the concert....... I wanted to see them!!!
By the way,was there some tickets of it at the ticket shop? Althought it was a current day of concert. If so,how much???

ところで、街を歩いてて↑の広告を発見! そう!私が福岡へ行った被、東方神起は福岡でコンサートでした。しかも丁度コンサートが行われている最中に車でマリンメッセ福岡前を通過。。。(><) 見たかったなぁ〜〜。