Umekichi Journal2009


2009/02/26 (木) 16:04:17


I met a friend who got back from Seoul this noon. She went to Seoul to see TVXQ3rd Asia Concert Tour. TVXQ had it for 3days,once a day. She got two times tickets. I heard that the ticket was sold about 75.000won in Korea,but she got it about 40,000yen in japan!!!! Oh,my God!! But I envy her very much. We were talking many things almost TVXQ's while having luch.I had a great lunch time. Besides she gave me some nice presents. I'm very happy!

今日のお昼、ソウルから帰ってきたお友達と会いました。彼女は東方神起のコンサートのためにソウルへ行って来て、そのコンサートは3日間で3回あったんだけど、彼女は2回分のチケットをゲットしていました。聞いたら・・・韓国では1枚約75,000ウォンで売られているチケットですが、日本でゲットした彼女は1枚4万円ぐらいで買ったらしい〜〜(+o+) ビックリィ〜!!でも羨ましいな〜。
ランチを食べながら東方神起の話を色々して、とても楽しい時間でした。その上、素敵なお土産も頂いてきました♪ ラッキーで〜す(^v^)

2009/02/25 (水) 14:50:34

I went to Yakiniku-Sakai yesterday for dinner with my husband. Because...I had a scratch ticket of 2,000yen that expiry date was the end of this month.
We had many kind of beef,prawn and sarad. At the last,my husband orderd a Chige Nabe Udon.
Have a look at this boiling pot!! It was sooooooooooo HOT and HOT!!! But...dericious!
I had a great dinner.

色んな種類の牛肉を食べて、エビとかサラダも食べて・・・最後に旦那さんが”チゲ鍋うどん”というのを注文。見てください!この煮えたぎる鍋を〜〜!これはスッゴク熱くてスッゴク辛かった(><)でも美味しかった。 father gave me this sweets yesterday for early White Day(?). The diameter was about 20cm. How big! How tasty!!


2009/02/24 (火) 14:57:36


I went to two point of old loads to walking.(Sanyo Load?) One of them was Hikari city. I went there on Saturday. And another one was Ajisu,Yamaguchi city. I went there on Sunday. Both were so so.

2か所の旧街道を歩きに出かけた。(山陽道かな?) ひとつは土曜日に光市へ。もう一か所は山口市の阿知須というところ。こっちは日曜日に行った。どっちもまあまあでした。


And...the other day,my friend's doughter gave me her handmade madelaine. It was dericious!!! I'm not sure was one of the best madelaine,I've had.
And,and....I'm preparing my husband's lunch bag this week,too.


2009/02/18 (水) 16:59:49

I went to see my doctor today. I arrived the hospital at 10:00am and left there at 3:30pm.
I stayed there more than 5hours. I'm very tired. I'm not happy now.
Then,I had a cake,because it's Changmin's birthday today!! He is...21years old. young.
Anyway,Happy birthday! I hope you are always in a good health and happy.

そこで!今日はチャンミンの誕生日なのでケーキを食べました。21歳か〜〜。なんて若いんだ〜(*^_^*) おめでとう(*^_^*) ずっと元気で頑張ってね〜。(注:チャンミン=東方神起の一人です)

2009/02/16 (月) 13:41:45

 つまがりのお菓子 両国にお店のある老舗おかき〜

Lately,many sweets came from all over the place in my house. I'm sure I will get fat.
In fact,I already had more than half. How terrible:-(

この頃・・・いろんなところから我が家へお菓子が集まってきます(笑) 間違いなく太るだろう〜〜(+o+)


Then,I did golf practicing and walking yesterday,too. I walked about 8,000steps to one shopping mall and back. I bought a Korean-Japanese and Japanese Korean dictionary there. It is Kitty's version. It is interesting,isn't it? I'm going to keep a diary in Korean after this.-It's only in my notebook-.Now,I only can really really short sentence. I hope to write long it someday.

それで・・・昨日もゴルフの打ちっぱなし行ったし、ウォーキングもしました。ショッピングセンターまでの往復で約8,000歩。そこで<韓日・日韓辞典>を買いました。キティちゃんバージョンの(笑) 面白いでしょ〜?これから韓国語で日記を書こうと思います(ノートにですよ〜)。今はかなり短い文章しか作れませんが、いつの日か長い日記を書けたらいいな〜〜〜(*^_^*)

2009/02/13 (金) 15:04:18


One friend of mine who got back from Italy gave me some gifts. I had a longing for Italy before. I envy her very much.
The olive oil that the shape of Learning Tower of Pisa is very interesting!! And...the right photo's is an aromatic ornament from Galleria degli Uffizi. Wow! It's really good smell. I feel happiness:-)
I'd like to know about Italy and her experiences after this.

イタリアから帰ってきたお友達が、お土産をくれました♪ イタリアは憧れだった場所〜。羨ましいです。
ピサの斜塔型のオリーブオイル。。。凄い!面白い〜! それと右側の写真はウフィッツィ美術館のお土産で、すごく香りが良いオーナメント(?)デス♪

And....this is today's lunch bag. (It's very ordinary)

2009/02/12 (木) 14:45:17


I went to golf practicing near my house after a long time yesterday's morning. I only knocked 40balls. hahaha... And then,I went walking to JR Kushigahama station from Kudamatsu station in the late afternoon.  I got there and back. It was about 10km. It took me 2hour and a half,about 15,000steps. Phew.....
My muscles are sore. But...I saw cute dog and good streets.

昨日は午前中に久し振りに打ちっぱなしに行き、40給ほど打った^_^; それから夕方にはJR下松駅〜櫛が浜駅まで往復ウォーキングした。約10km。2時間半かかって15000歩ほどでした。
筋肉痛です(><) でも可愛いワンコやいい街並みに出会った。

2009/02/10 (火) 17:57:07


The other day,I got a interesting sweets from my friend. It was Goma Azarashi no Tamago from Hokkaido. It was coated with white choccolate cake. The black dots were sesame. Isn't it very unique?? I already ate all. And it was tasty.

この前、お友達に面白いものをもらった。北海道土産の「ごまあざらしの玉子」♪ ホワイトチョコでコーティングされたスポンジケーキで、黒い点々はゴマです。面白いですよね〜っ。もう全部食べちゃいました。美味しかった。

2009/02/07 (土) 13:18:24


One doughter of my friend who is a first year student of junior high school likes Umekichi. Besides,she discovered Umekichi after looking my web site. I can't tell you how happy I am.
Then,her Umekichi came and saw my Umekichi yesterday. Can you see?? It had pure white,because very new. I heard thet Santa Claus gave it her last Christmas.
I'm very happy,too. My Umekichi got a new friend after a long time... Hahahahaha...

お友達の娘さん(=中1)がうめ吉を好きらしい。しかも私のこのサイトを見てからうめ吉ファンになったらしい。すごく嬉しい話デス。それで、昨日そのうめ吉が我が家のうめ吉に会いに来てくれました。わかります〜?新しいのでとても真っ白で綺麗♪ これは去年のクリスマスにサンタさんがくれたらしいです。うちのうめ吉に久々に新しいお友達が出来てうれしいです(笑)(笑)(笑)

ハンバーグ弁当 husband went for work today,even though it's Saturday. So I cooked his lunch box today,too. It was hanburger steak lunch.


2009/02/06 (金) 14:31:55


I cooked Kinoko-gohan for my husband's lunch bag today. But...side dishes were always similar.Hahaha. I'm afraid that he say "I'm tired of eating them"some day.
On the other hand,I went to lunch with my two friends today after a long time today. It was Yakiniku restaurant. We had a bowl of roasted meet and rice plate for 880yen. It was pretty good! We were chatting a lot while eating it. I had a great time.
By the way,it was tasty,but...there were not another guests. Why?? I have no idea.

今日は旦那さんのお弁当にキノコご飯を作りました。でも再度メニューはいつも同じような感じ^_^; 旦那さんに「同じようなおかずに飽きた」って言われないか心配だ・・・。

2009/02/02 (月) 18:43:59


I went to see Japanese plum blossoms to Kanmuriyama Park,Hikari city on the final day of January. have Plum Festival from February 1st.. We avoided crowded days. About 10%of them were in bloom. Hahaha... But I enjoyed it.

1月最後の日、光市の冠山公園に観梅に行きました。2月1日から「梅まつり」が始まるので人ゴミを避けるために〜(笑) まだ1分咲き程度でしたが、まあまあ満足です♪


And then,I went to see Yuki-chan to Tokuyama zoo yesterday after a long time. As you know,she is Polar bear. I live her very much. She is always cute.
And,and....I had a piece of cake yesterday,too!!!!! Oh,my God! I had much cakes these days.
Am I OK??
