Umekichi Journal2008


2008年2月29日 18:28:23


I baked a loaf of bread again this afternoon. I took an another recipe before time. Umm... It looks not good today's either. But I will try it again and again!


2008年2月27日 15:59:45

I had an annuanl check up this morning. I will get the result in 2 weeks by mail.


2008年2月24日 20:10:09
    手作り餃子の皮 手作り餃子

I made 70dumplings again yesterday. Of course the dumpling's wrapping,too. I was able to shape the wrapping better than before. Good.



And then....I said "I want to have some Sashimi for today's dinner." Then,my husband said"I'm sure that there is one fresh fish store in the next city." So,we went there this afternoon by car. I never rememver about it. He was right! There was actually one fish store. We bought two kindo of Sashimi,sole and amberjack. Both were really really really fresh and tasty!!!! How nice!!

それから。。。今日は「晩御飯にお刺身食べたい」と言ったら、旦那さんが「確か隣の市に魚屋があるのを見た」というので午後から車で行ってみた。私は全く覚えがなかったんだけど・・・。本当にそこの鮮魚店があった。2種類のお刺身・・・ヒラメ&カンパチを買ってきたんだけど、これがかなぁぁぁぁぁぁり新鮮でめっちゃ美味しかった♪ 素晴らしい〜〜。

2008/02/22 (金) 16:02:11

Oh my God! I have a touch of cold again!!! But,this time,I don't have a fever. So,it is not so serious,I think. I wanna get well soon. And I wanna bake a loaf of bread again.


2008/02/18 (月) 15:06:21

 食パンを焼いてみたが、形は悪い! でも、中は美味しそうに出来た〜♪

I tried to bake a loaf of bread for the first time in my life today. My friend Y told me how to make about it by phone,but...I couldn't do as she told. Oh,,,my god. So,the shape is not good. But I'm satisfied. I already had a slice of it with butter. It was so tasty! I found that baking some bread is pretty interesting. Well,I will bakeit better next time.

今日は、生まれて初めての食パン作りに挑戦してみました。お友達が電話で作り方を説明してくれたのですが、聞いたとおりに出来ませんでした。なので形が悪いですが・・・私はこれでも満足です。さっき1切れバターを塗って食べてみたんだけど、美味しい〜〜〜♪♪ パンを焼くことが結構楽しいんだな〜〜と実感。次はもっと上手く作るよ〜!

2008年2月14日 18:03:06


I made about 30 cream puffs today,because of Valentine's day. My husband said "I don't want to have chocolate." So,I will give them for my husband instead. I gonna have them with him after dinner:-). And I already gave my friend 10.


2008/02/12 (火) 13:49:23

錦帯橋2008年2月 錦帯橋の梅

I went for walk around Kintaikyo-bridge after a long time the day before yesterday. It was pretty warm day. There were few plum trees. It's so beautiful,isn't it? Finally,I walked about two hours. Besides I did the golf placticing at the driving range near my house yesterday. It was after a long time,too!

一昨日、錦帯橋周辺をウォーキングした。久しぶりに。暖かい日だったし、梅の木も少しあって綺麗でした。結局2時間ほど歩いた(^_^)v それに昨日はこれまた久々に打ちっぱなしも行った。


By the way,I had chinese noodle before I arrived Kintaikyo-bridge. The restaurant called "Kyushu-Chikuho's noodle Yamagoya." I had "Old noodle." It was really good.

ところで、錦帯橋へ着く前にラーメンを食べた。「九州・筑豊ラーメン 山小屋」という名前の店で、<昭和(むかし)ラーメン>というのを食べたんだけど、美味しかった〜〜〜っ♪♪

2008/02/09 (土) 20:30:26


I made 50 dumplings today. I often made it,but I always use leady-made dumplings's wrapping. But!!!But!!! I made it,too for the first time. I didn't know that.....

今日、餃子を50個作った。よく作るけど、皮は買ったものを使っていました。しか〜〜〜し!今日は初めて皮までも自分で作ってみました(^_^)v 生地をこねて寝かせるまでは上手くいき・・・”結構簡単やん!?”などと思ったのもつかの間・・・その後、50個に切り分けたモノを丸い形に伸ばす作業の難しさに脱帽!!
肩も凝ってくるし、ずっと立っての作業で疲れるし・・・「もう二度と作りたくない!」と思ったんだけど、焼いて食べてみたら・・・これが驚くほどモチモチ&パリパリで美味しい!!! あまりの美味しさに、次回も皮から作ると決心しました(^.^)

2008/02/06 (水) 9:02:35


It is pretty cute,isn't it?? I bought this tea pot and cup at a discount of half-price yestreday at SEIYU. I wanted to get such style pot and cup,so I'm happy. I'll have some cup of tea with it today. How fun!!

これ・・・なかなか可愛いでしょ?このティーポット&カップのセットを昨日SEIYUで半額でゲットしました。こういうスタイルのをずっと欲しいと思ってたのですごく嬉しい♪ 今日コレを使ってお茶を飲もうと思います。面白そう!


And then,I bought a supplemental oxygenof can for the first time. It was at half price,too. I heard that it increase the level of concentration. So,I tried it. Did it make a difference?? I idea.

それから、缶入りの酸素を始めて買ってみた。これも半額で! 集中力をアップさせるらしいので早速試してみたけど・・・効き目があるのか?よくわかりませぇ〜〜ん。

2008/02/04 (月) 15:23:47


My husband and I got about 100 New Year's cards with lottery numbers. And then,we won 8 stamps.
Isn't it pretty lucky?? I often need some stamps,so I'm pleased.
