Umekichi Journal2007


2007/11/30 (金) 18:29:36


It's the last day in November today. How fast!!! We have only one month in this year!!!!
The full-fledged winter is just around the corner. Many trees are getting leafless near my house. I felt lettle lonely when I saw it.
I have to start thinking about design of New Year's card. I already made some idea for my parents's and my husband's parents's. Phew...

11月最後の日だ。なんて早いんだ〜〜(^^ゞ もう今年はあと1ヶ月!
そろそろ年賀状を考えないと! 実家×2の分はもうデザイン考え住み(^_^)v ふふふ・・・。

2007/11/26 (月) 11:49:30



 The three-day weekend was over.
 Though I planned to go to Kokura for walking and shopping on Saturday,I was not able to go. Because, I had a stomahache from Saturday's early morning. I checked out about Kokura. There are some department-stores and shopping mall. Besides,there is Kokura castle and so on. It is very good for walking,isn't it? I' d like to go there next time.
Then,I went to Hiroshima Botanical Garden instead yesterday. There were beautiful flowers and plants. To tell the truth,I was thinking of going Miyajima. But there was a long long long line of cars. Maybe it was vest season for sightseeng of Miyajima. I really wanted to go there. But I gave up.
The Botanical Garden was pretty good! I had satisfied.

土曜日に小倉へウォーキング&ショッピングに行こうと計画してたんだけど、行けなかった。土曜の早朝からお腹が痛くなって・・・(/_;)。 小倉について調べたら、デパートもショッピングモールもあるし、小倉城もあって歩くのにも良さそうだったのに・・・。今度の機会には行きたい。

2007/11/22 (木) 18:31:54

I have nothing special things. Umm....

2007/11/20 (火) 14:13:05


I have bought a jacket compulsively today. It is pretty good,isn't it? I bought it at one jeans shop for young people. Hahaha...
To tell the truth,I wanted to buy a pair of black boots. But I don't have any more money. Umm....



By the way,as I told,Hyun-bin is my most favorite Korean actor now. Then,one friend of mine gave me some pictures yesterday. They were his pictures and autoglaph's picture:-)
TSUTAYA of Sannomiya have them. They got them when Hyun-bin came to Japan a few months ago. Wow!! Great!!! I'm happy♪


2007/11/19 (月) 8:35:36

How expensive!!! I put gas in a car yesterday. The price of high-octane gasoline per liter was 159yen!!! Besides,18liter of kerosene was 1,620yen!!! Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I remember right,18liter of kerosene was around 800yen about 10years ago. It's double.

高い〜〜〜〜〜〜っ!!! 昨日ガソリンを入れたらハイオク1リッターが159円もしました(><)。その上、灯油も18Lで1620円!!! 確か、10年ほど前は、灯油は800円ぐらいだった覚えがあるのに〜。倍やん!?

2007/11/14 (水) 15:46:18

  ボーン・アルティメイタム  ボーン・アルティメイタム

I went to see "THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM"this morning alone today. I've seen "THE BOURNE IDENTITY"and "THE BOURNE SUPREMACY",so I wanted to see it very much. In fact,I wanted to review these old two before I saw new one. But,I didn't have enough time. But I gradually began to bring back the story so far. I enjoyed it very much.
I felt the last was just not good enough. Well,it was not bad.


2007/11/11 (日) 21:24:01


Although it's already november,but it's still warm. But,the leaves turned red and yellow at the foot of mountais before I know it. They were pretty good.


2007/11/09 (金) 17:26:32


Shoko Egawa held a lecture a citizen hall near my house this afternoon. So,I went to there with my neighbor. The theme was importance of life. She spoke about Iraq that she has seen, and spoke about Aum Shinrikyo and so on. She spoke about for 1 and a half hours. FInally,she said "The most important thing for us is imagination."
I had a good time. She was pretty cute.


2007/11/07 (水) 16:33:14

I went to go to a bazaar of junior high school near my house with my neighbor this afternoon. This time,I bought a set of 10 cases of DVD. In fact,I have an increased number of DVD of Korean TV drama series. So,I'm in trouble these days. Then I found the good cases. I can save 4DVDs in one case. How compact!! Appreciate it! My neighbor got a lot of towels at cheaper prices. After that,we had a piece of cake with coffee. I enjoyed the bazaar today,too.

なので、このケースは1個に4枚のDVDを収納できるので、とってもコンパクト♪ 助かるわ〜。

2007/11/05 (月) 18:35:27


I bought some sushi to take away for yesterday's lunch. In fact,one sushi-go-round restaurant opened near my house the other day. So I wanted to have it very much. But my husband don't like to stand in line in front of the restaurant,so I did take away.
This shop was flat rate of 126yen. So I paid about 2300yen. Wow! Pretty cheap! Besides,they almost were pretty good.




And,and.....about yesterday's dinne....
My husband cooked them.
We saw a TV program "Chubo Desuyo(This is kitchin)"last Saturday's night. Then it cooked rice dish includes adding some kind of mushrooms in a earthen pot. It looked very tasty. Then he said"I'll try it tomorrow!"
And,and...we saw one gourmet TV programs yesterday's morning. Then it recommended one Udon restaurant in Osaka. It called "Chitose". I heard that many comedians from Yoshimoto love "Niku-sui". "Niku-sui"is soup of Udon with beef and green onion. It looked very good! So,I said "I wanna go to this restaurant next time." Then,my husband said "I'll try to cook it,too!"
And then,he really cooked them.
All of them were really really really good! My husband is a nice chef!!!!!

それから、日曜日には、グルメ番組を見てて 大阪にある<千とせ>といううどん屋さんを紹介してました。そこで吉本のお笑い芸人さんが大好きだという”肉すい”っていうのを紹介してて、これは、うどんの汁に牛肉とネギを入れたスープなんですが、すごく美味しそうだったので、私が「今度この店行こう!」って言ったら、旦那さんが「これも作れるわ」と言って、本とに作ってくれました〜〜。
どっちも、ホントにめっちゃ美味しかったです〜〜♪ うちの旦那さんは、すごいシェフなんだわ〜〜。

2007/11/03 (土) 13:45:28

I finished seeing "The Snow Queen"the other day. Yes! It was Korean TV drama series.
Hyunbin was in it. He is my best favorite actor at this point.
I'll tell you a synopsis of it.

There were two high school boys,
ハン・テウン and キム・ジョンギュ. They were best friend. And they were excellent students. Especially,ジヨンギュ was called genius of math since he was a little boy.
Then,they enterd Korean Olimpic of math. People believed that
ジョンギュ will be winner. ジョンギュ thought so,too. But,the result was ......テウン won.
ジョンギュ experienced a setback for the first time in his life. He couldn't stand the the shock. And then,he killed himself in despair.

テウン had a shocked very much. And he felt responsible for the death of him. He left a school and desappeared from his family and friends.
8years later, he was living one gym of boxing. He chenged his name,
ハン・ドゥック,and traind a boxing there. He knew ジョンギュ wanted to do a boxing.

Many things have happened him,he made a driver of a wealthy man's doughter. She was
キム・ボラ. She was strong-minded girl,so she looked like a healthy. But she had a serious ill for a long time.
ボラ struck an attitude to ドゥック. But she opend her heart day by day. They both had a liking for each other.

But,one day,
ドゥック found that ボラ was a younger sister of ジョンギュ. Yeah,that ジョンギュ's.
ドゥック tried to leave her. But she found that ドゥック and テウン were same person,before he went. ボラ's fatehr and she were bitter against ハン・テウン. But she loved him,she couldn't help it. ドゥック,too.
And finally,her ill grew more serious and she end up dead.

In fact,
テウン and ボラ have met each other when they were students. That time,テウン was 16years old and ボラ was 13 years old. And that time,she said " I wanna go to Lapland to see The Snow Queen." And they engaged to go there sometime. So he visited there alone after she dead.

I worried about he kill himself,too. But,he didn't. Phew.....
Anyway,this drama series was soooooooooooooooooo good. I love it very much. And Hyunbin,too.
 (I don't know how do you write Korean's name in Roman character.)


ハン・テウンとキム・ジョンギュという高校生が居ました。親友同士です。そして2人とも数学がとても得意で、特にジョンギュは、子供の頃から「天才」とずっと言われてきました。 高校1年の時に、2人は韓国内の数学のオリンピックに出場しました。世間は誰もがジョンギュの優勝を信じていましたが、結果はテウンが優勝しました。




とにかく、このドラマは、かなり良いです♪ 大好きです。ヒョンビンも〜〜〜(笑)
