Umekichi Journal2007


2007/10/29 (月) 18:46:54


I went walking to around Hanaoka-hachimangu shrine yesterdsay with my husband. It was sunny day,so we sweated a little. There were about 140steps in front of the shrine. I had an owie on my right knee.Which reminds me,I always feel a pain on my right knee when I did an exercise with Billy. looks like an old woman. By the way,this shrine was pretty near from my house and pretty good.

昨日は、旦那さんと「花岡八幡宮」周辺をウォーキングしました。すごく天気が良かったので汗かいた〜。この神社の前には140段ぐらい階段があって、右ひざが痛くなった。そういえば・・・いつもビリーで運動してる時も、右ひざが痛くなる(>_<) なんかババくさい〜〜っ。

2007/10/26 (金) 15:35:31


I bought this bag today for my birthday present from my husband. It's LESPORTSAC's. There were countless kind of print,so I was unable to make a quick decision for weeks. Finally,I got this print. It was completely different print that I wanted to get. Hahaha....


2007/10/24 (水) 17:41:30


I've been exercising with Billy's Boot Camp since last Saturday. First time,I only could for 19minutes. But today,I was able to do it for 32minutes! Wow! I'm getting powerful. you know,it's sooooo hard,so the day that I drop out it is just around the coner,I guess.
By the way,I really struggle with Windows Vista everyday. Umm....

先週の土曜日からビリーさんのキャンプに入隊しています。最初は19分しか出来なかったのですが、今日は32分まで出来ました!(^^)! 段々パワーが出てきました〜〜。

2007/10/22 (月) 17:25:01


Suddenly, I got a new PC yesterday. It has very big display. I put my old PC in front of it. Can you see? It's pretty big,isn't it??
I can see TV proglams by this computer after this,but...only ground wave digital broadcasting.
Oh.......I will spend my time in use this more after this.


2007/10/20 (土) 16:27:58


I bought two kind of Eki-ben yesterday. There were a special ivent of food from all over Japan,called "Zenkoku Umaimono Festival"at one department store. I bought a Seafood Sushi from Hokkaido and Baked crab and rice from Fukui. They were pretty good. I had them for dinner. Hahaha...




Finally,I got this DVD!!!! It looks sooooo hard. I will try to them wherever possible.

ついにこのDVDをゲットしました。ちょっと見たらめっちゃハードそう(~_~;) 可能な限りやってみるつもり。。。

2007/10/19 (金) 17:04:39


The elementary school of near my house had a bazaar,so I went to there with my friend yesterday's morning. There were many kind of things sold.
I had an udon and a piece of cake with a cup of coffee. They were very good.
I went into a school gymnasium after a long time. That took me back.

私は、うどん食べてケーキセットも食べた(笑) どれも美味しかったで〜す♪

2007/10/15 (月) 8:15:35

  ピオーネのタルト ナポリタンスパゲティ

It was my birthday yesterday! So,I ate a piece of cake and my husband's made spaghetti. Some grapes on the cake. In fact,it was tart. This shop's tart isn't too sweet,so I love it very much. And, husband's spaghetti was napolitan-Japanese style spagetti-. It was great!! My husband is nice chef.

ブドウ(ピオーネ)の乗ったケーキは実はタルトです。ここのお店のタルトは甘さ控えめで大好きです。それから・・・旦那さんメイドのスパゲティはナポリタン! これもまた美味しかった〜〜ヽ(^。^)ノ 旦那さんは腕の良いシェフだわ〜〜。

2007/10/11 (木) 16:29:29

  萩の町並み   松下村塾

   わぉ〜!ふくのお刺身〜♪  鰆のたたき

 I went to Hagi with my 6 friends from Yokkaichi's English conversation class. It was overnight trip.
I saw them for the first time in one and a half years. So,I was really looking forward to seeing them. And,one of them didn't know each other,because she entered the class after I quit. So we met for the first time. But I never felt so. I enjoyed two days very much.
I've been to Hagi several times. But,it was different by the person who went together at the same place. So,I was able to see some new things of Hagi.
 First day,we lent a bike and then went to Hagi castle ruin from JR Higashihagi station. It was pretty far place,besides it began to rain. Then,we had to ride with an open umbrella. It was pretty dangerous thing ,wasn't it? Anyway,we did it successfully end. Fhew...
 After that,we arrived at one ryokan,took a hot springs and had a great dinner.
 But,but,but....I have a reason that I can't write about ryokan's name.
 To make a long story short,there were two kind of bath place in the ryokan. One of them was outdoor bath tub,another one was indoor big bath tub. I took an outdoor's. Four people took a indoor's. Then,the four people came rushing along to outdoor's after about 15minutes and said
"The indoor's wasn't hot! It was almost cool water!!!! I heard one friend took it for several minutes.
Isn't it unbelievable!!!!! Althought we had nothing special service. I think the ryokan was bad.....
Dinner and morning were really tasty. And we could see beautiful view through the windows. But I don't want to stay the ryokan again.
 Anyway,I had a great time with my friends after a long time. So I was pleased very much.


2007/10/05 (金) 16:22:06


 I bought a stuffed doll shampoo online shop the other day. And I got it yesterday.
I splayed it on my lovely Umekichi and wiped it down this morning. And now,I aired out him.
He looks clean and he has a fine coat of far. I will try to shampoo him more often.


2007/10/03 (水) 15:33:45


My friend took me SunLive by her car this morning. It was supermarket some 2kilos away from my house. I bought two Rich Donuts. Yeah,as you know,they were new things of Mister Donuts. I'm full....


2007/10/02 (火) 9:42:32

  白ふくろう うさちゃん&ニンジン

About my last weekend......
My husband had a car serviced on Sturday. Then,there is Tokuyama zoo very near the car dealer,so we killed time at there. We always did so when we had it.
Tokuyama zoo is very small,so you can see all about one hour. But I like it.




And,and...I visited to historical path for walk in Hiroshima on Sunday. It was near Hiroshima station. There were many kind of shrines for 9km. We didn't walk 9km,so we stopped only a few kind of shrines. They were good.
It was still hot.
