Umekichi Journal2007


2007/09/28 (金) 18:50:40

I got some baumkuchen from my friend the other day. Yes! It was my favorite thing.
This time,it was Nenrinya's one. I ate it for the first time.
It was really really really dericious!!!!!! Tokyo banana's and Nenrinya's both were great!!
I'm difficult to say which is better. OHHHHHHH,I love baoumkuchen for ever.

先日、またお友達に好物のバウムクーヘンを頂いた! 今回は”ねんりん家”っていうお店のものです。
甲乙付けがたい品々です。。。 あ〜〜〜バウムクーヘン大好き〜〜♪♪♪

2007/09/27 (木) 16:05:55

I had my hair cut this morning. I don't like my new hairdo yet as usual. I want to grow my hair,but I had cut too much. How disappointing......


2007/09/26 (水) 9:35:11

 バウムブリュレ  バウムブリュレ

My husband brought back good presents for me from Tokyo. It was Tokyo banana's Brulee of Baumkuchen.
I love baumkuchen. Maybe it is my most favorite sweets. I ate it for the first time. It was great!!! I've eaten them almost my self for two days. Hahaha....

旦那さんが東京お土産に、東京ばな奈の”バウム。ブリュレ”を買ってきてくれました。バウムクーヘンは私が一番好きなお菓子♪ コレは初めて食べたんだけど、かなり美味しかったです。2日間でほとんど1人で食べちゃいました(~_~;)


And then, I bought ROYCE' POTECHI CRUNCH CHOCOLATE at special shop of Hokkaido yesterday. In fact,I wanted to get ROYCE' POTETOCHIP CHOCOLATE,but it has already sold out when I arrived there.  This crunch was ..... alright.


2007/09/23 (日) 12:42:42

 I've already finished to see "The man in the Vineyard." I was seeing the drama all day long yesterday. And I've just finished. It was heartwarming story. So I'm very happy as same as the main characters.
I did do nothing except to see them,so I have a lot of thigs to do. I have to clean all rooms up..... I have to do the ironing..... and so on. I have to finishe them before my husband got back from Tokyo. ( He stayed in Tokyo yesterday)

昨日は、他に何もしなかったので、今日はやることは沢山デス! 掃除してアイロンして・・・・。

2007/09/21 (金) 20:42:00

 Two my neighbours came my house this afternoon. Over two hours we talked a lot.
 By the way,my most favorite Korean actor is
Oh Man Seok these days.
 I saw him for the first time in one TV drama series. It was "Hyaena in Love." I heard that this drama series is Korean version of "Sex and the City"(from US). The main character in the "SATC" was four individual women. But,four cool and funny men in the Korean version.
 Oh Man Seok acted able PD. He always cool. But sometimes he show his comical side,so he is very cute.
 I checked about him on the net. He is a pretty famous actor in the musical. So he is very good at singing.
 And now, I found that I can see "The man in vineyard"on the net in one website. Man Seok is in it. Then,I was watching it today.
 Fortunately or unfortunately the subtitle is all English.
 So,I can study English while watching drama. Killing two birds with one stone. How nice!!

 幸か不幸か、字幕が英語です(^^ゞ なので、ドラマを楽しみながら英語の勉強が出来る!一石二鳥です。素晴らしい!

2007/09/20 (木) 14:45:17


I bought "TV Pia" after a long time. I wanted to know about TV drama series which bigins in October.
It's a bit difficult situation.
I like to see Korean TV drama series as you know, and I love American,too. I'm watching "Prison Break 2"every Tuesday's late night now. And, another two kind of Korean TV drama series every Wednesday and Thursday,both are late night.
Then,I found out that "24-seasonX"and "Desperate house wives-season3"will be broadcasted in October!!!
Some of them is broadcasted at the same time. How should I do??????? It's a really big problem!!!!!
Umm....... I'm sad,because my problem is very stupid. I'm sorry.....

それなのに・・・10月から「24シーズンX」と「デスパレートな妻たち3」まで始まるじゃないですか〜〜っ!しかも放送時間が被っているモノもある・・・(>_<) どうしたらいいの??かなり深刻な問題です。

2007/09/19 (水) 19:43:22

I'm busy with this and that as usual these days,too.
By the way,my friends from English class will come to Yamaguchi next month. We are going to stay in Hagi. I've never seen them for one and a-half years. So I can't wait!!!


2007/09/15 (土) 9:35:46


I don't know why,it is very beautiful sunset these days. I took this picture from my balcony on September 11. Isn't it so nice?


2007/09/13 (木) 16:10:43


 I had dinner at Yakitori restaurant yesterday. We have to grilled Yakitori by ourself. I tried it for the first time and it was pretty exciting.


2007/09/11 (火) 16:17:53


I had two good things yesterday.
One of them,to tell the truth,I got MRI brain scans in late August. Then,one thing like a tumor was found in my pituitary gland. And then,I took some blood test of hormones that time. My doctor said "Maybe you have hormon abnormality." And he said "If you have hormon abnormality,you have to take some medicine. It is nauseous medicine."

I've been worried about it since I heard it.
"If I really have hurmon abnormality......."
"If I have to have surgery......."and and and.......
"Am I dying early???"
Such stupid notions went around and around in my head until yesterday.
I saw my doctor yesterday's morning.
He said...."You don't have hormon abnormality. They are normal for now."
Oh,My GOD!!!!! Thank you very much.
Finally,I need a check of my brain in six months. That's all.

It was really good thing,wasn't it???

After that,I was sitting in a bus waiting. Then,one elder woman next to me suddenly talked me"What a beautiful hair. Your hair is shiny like a doll."
What????? I've never gotten credit for my hair in my life. So,I was really really pleased.

It was really really good thing,too.






2007/09/10 (月) 14:54:32

 門司  角島

 My friend who came my house last week has gone. We had a great time after a long time.
 We saw some DVDs and video tapes of Korean things. She brought some DVDs and CD here and enjoyed them with me. She love Ju Jihun. So she has been watching only his DVD since she fell in love with Jihun. Then,I showed her another actor's movie forcibly. It was
"The temptation of wolf -Okami no Yuwaku-". Gang DongWon and Cho HanSun were in it. I think DongWon is cool. But she likes HanSun better. Anyway,I was pleased that she enjoyed this movie,too.
 And,and,my husband took us to Moji,Shimonoseki and Tsunoshima island last Saturday. Moji and Shimonoseki were not crowded because it's after the summer vacation. And,unfortunately,the waves were little high around Tsunoshima island,so we couldn't see beautiful green sea as usual.

 家で韓国ドラマなどなどのDVDやビデオを一緒に見て過ごしました。友達がDVDやCDを持ってきてくれていたので一緒に楽しませてもらった。彼女はチュ・ジフンのファンでファンになって以来、ずっとジフン君のDVDしか見ないので、今回は強制的に他のを見てもらいました(笑) 「オオカミの誘惑」という映画でカン・ドンウォンとチョ・ハンソン主演。私はカン・ドンウォンが好きなんだけど、彼女はチョ・ハンソンの方が気に入ったらしい。どっちにしてもこの映画も楽しんでもらえたのでよかった。

2007/09/05 (水) 17:13:42

I've cought a cold. I feel feverish since yesterday. But I can't worry about that now,because... one my friend will come to my house tomorrow. And she will stay here 2days. So,I did clean up all rooms and.....bought a lot of food stuffs,and....aired out some futons and and...and so on today.
She has came here once,so we will relax at my house,except visit to Shimonoseki and Moji.
Anyway,I really hope that I can get better soon. Please!!!


2007/09/03 (月) 16:00:31

 サーロインステーキ  赤ワイン

 I had Sirloin Steak with red wine yesterday. My husband and I went to buy this steak to Ato town. There were Ato Beef. My husband made it medium-rare. It was soooooo soft and dericious!!
But,to tell the truth,I like filet better rately. I guess I'm getting old.

 昨夜は赤ワインと共にサーロインステーキを頂きました。 2人で阿東町っていうところまで阿東牛を買いに行ってきました。旦那さんがコレをミディアムーレアに焼いてくれました。めっちゃソフトでかなり美味しかったです。

2007/09/02 (日) 16:17:01

 マンゴーのタルト モンブラン

Happy 12th Anniversary!!!
It's my wedding anniversary today. So,I ate a piece of cake. I gonna have steak tonight. Wow!!!
