Umekichi Journal2007


2007/07/31 (火) 11:58:26


 One friend of mine gave me these Grean tea the other day. Althought I don't like sweet drink very much,I like only this. I often used to have it when I was working at Japanese tea shop.( That was a part time job when I was colledge student.) I love Japanese tea very much.
 By the way I've had a sty on my right eye since yesterday. It is little itchy and sore.

 友達がこの前グリーンティーをくれました(^_^)v 甘い飲み物は嫌いなんだけど、コレは例外。大好きです。学生時代バイトでお茶屋さんに居て、しょっちゅう飲んでいました〜〜。日本茶大好き(^^♪
 そういえば、昨日から右目に物もらいが!! ちょっとだけ痒くて痛いです(><)

2007/07/30 (月) 13:53:55

三瀧寺の鐘 三瀧寺 三瀧寺

I went to Mitaki Temple in Hiroshima city yesterday. There was very comfortable place,surrounded graves and mountains. Ha ha ha...
The approach was almost tree-shaded. Although my husband and I were walking sweaty all over. Oh,my God:-<


2007/07/27 (金) 15:07:22

I went and saw my doctor again this Wednesday. My echoencephalography had not any problems. Pheww...
Then,finally,I will got MRI brain scans in a month. I guess there is nothing wrong with my brain. Anyway,I will try it just in case.
Then,I had to subscribed to the agreement. I will be given enhancing agent for MRI when I get it. I feel terrible. I've gotten MRI abdominal scans once. But that time it didn't use the enhancing agent. Umm....I get scared.

水曜日にまた病院に行ってきた。脳波の検査結果にも異常がありませんでした。それで最後に・・・MRI検査までも受けることになりました。来月。 多分なんとも無いんだろうなぁ・・・と思うけどとりあえず念のために受けておきます。


2007/07/26 (木) 15:47:11


 I got this DVD today at last. It was a TV talk show of Korean. Many actors and actress were in it. I saw some scene of NG and their appearance on the set and so on. I have already enjoyed it all.
 The other day,I lent my friend Goong's video tapes 13th episodes. That time,she said "Oh...I'll see them if I have a time." She was not thrilled with it.
 But!!!! She started to watch them a few days ago, and she said "I can't stop to watch them!! I want to see next episode as soon as possible!!!" So,I send some video tapes to the final epidode this morning. And,I send her "Tengoku-no-Kaidan(The Steps to Heaven???) with them in secret. Can it please her???
 Anyway,I'm very happy that she loves Goong.


2007/07/24 (火) 13:48:10


 Have a look at this! I saw a snake's hunting at Rakan plateau the other day. Augh!!
By the way, the rainy season finished here. And it already hot and humid real summer came. I don't like hot day. There is only one good thing in summer drying breeze.

 見て見て!! この前、羅漢高原でハンティングしているヘビさんに遭遇。キャー(+_+)


 I saw the TV program called "Chu-bo-desu yo"last Saturday. They cooked Okinawa fried moodle that day.    Then,I tried to cook it the next day, (To tell the truth,I only cut some food stuffs. My husband cooked. Hahaha)  It was pretty good. But dare I say it was little fatty.....


2007/07/23 (月) 17:37:22


I bought a mille feuille at one cake shop yesterday. I love pie very much. So I couldn't wait to eat it at tea time.
But....this one was very bad. The pie wasn't crispy,besides cream was very bud. What was that?? I never bought any cakes in this shop.



By the way, I bought this sour cream for sandwiches the other day. And there are some left. How should I se it?? I tried to put it in stew little while ago. There are still some left. Umm...


2007/07/22 (日) 15:21:35


I went on a drive to nowhere yesterday. Then I saw some cows in Rakan plateau. There was a ski resort next to it. And it was pretty cool,around 20℃. So the hydrangeas were very beautiful now.


2007/07/20 (金) 15:29:05


 It stopped the supply of water for check of water tank or somthing in my apartment today from 9am-3pm.
And it will bigin the summer holiday from tomorrow,right? So,I went and see "Die Hard 4.0"this morning alone.  When I left my house,it had started the rain. So I had to walk to the movie theatre. The movie was started at 9:25am,so I had to walk like a race walking.
 I didn't know that the theatre had a 10th anniversary's special day. And it was just today! Then we can see a movie 1,000yen. Wow!! I was very lucky.
 Die Hard 4.0 was exactly what I was hoping for. It was strong visual and sound and great action. I love it.


2007/07/18 (水) 18:04:13

I went to see a doctor this morning. I got an echoencephalography and CT of my brain for the first time in my life.
To tell the truth I have had an uncomfortable feeling in my right eye and right brain for a several months. The result of CT was not bad. And I'll get the result of an EEG next week.
I often go to some hospital these days. So my husband said "It's your kind of hobby!" Hahaha....I hope so.
Anyway,don't worry about me. If I have a serious problem,I can't write it here.

 最近しょっちゅう病院通いをしているので旦那さんには「趣味やろ?」と言われています〜〜(笑) 趣味で終わらせたい!

2007/07/16 (月) 20:24:37


 It was very cold yesterday.
 I got up at 9am,and that time,it was fine. So,I went to Shimane Aquarium"AQUAS".
 I left my house by car. A little while later,it was getting cloudy....and after that started to rain. It was getting heavy. I didn't have an umbrella. I only had a small sunshade umbrella. So,I hoped to stop the rain before I arrive at AQUAS. Unfortunately,it was continued.
 I saw a performance of beluga whale for the first time. There were three belugas. They were very cute and really smart. I was moved very much.


2007/07/13 (金) 16:30:26


A friend of mine gave me lily. We were chatted a lot while eating some sweets for 3hours this afternoon.


2007/07/12 (木) 18:17:43


I ordered a USB flash memory at one big electronic store today.
I have it only one now. It is 256MB. It was pretty expensive when I bought it. But this series is ever-cheaper these days. Then I wanted one more. It is 1GB that I ordered today. (It was already out of stock.)And it is 1,830yen!! Isn't it soooo cheap??
I know it is a most cheapest version in this maker. No problem for me.

今1つしか持って無いし、それは256MBなのに買ったときは結構高かった(><)。それなのに最近ではかなり値下がりしてきているのでもうひとつ欲しかったので〜す。今日注文したのは1GBなのに1830円!(^^♪ 既に品切れになってました〜。めっちゃ安いでしょ?

2007/07/10 (火) 18:35:26


 I went and see my doctor this afternoon as usual. I waited at there about 4hours today,too. I've been really sleepy. I had a blood test. After that I had a shrimp pilaf at the restaurant in the hospital. It was pretty good. Then,I thought that I would have Chinese cold noodle next month. time that I have to go there is in three months. Wow!! Lucky! It's October,isn't it? I was very happy to hear it. But....I can't cold noodle this year.
 One woman who I often meet in the hospital gave me some fresh eggplants. Thank you very much.


2007/07/09 (月) 16:15:51

 Was it a sign of senility??
 I went shopping to the supermarket this morning. I put some food stuffs in the basket and stood in the checkout lines. When my turn came I saw there wasn't my purce in my bag. Yeah,I had no money that time.   So,I had to get back my house and went there again in the rain. It's not my day. 
 Besides,I needed a tinned crab for cook some curoquettes,but I bought a tinned salmon instead.
 I'm very tired...
 (I was not going to cook curoquette today,so I never went shopping three times.)


2007/07/06 (金) 19:14:56


It was rainy day all way through today. Besides my husband went to Tokyo on business today. He will get back tomorrow night.
So,I lay around the house all day long today.
By the way,my hometown Akashi is famous for conger eel. Then I often bought it when I went to there. I don't like conger eel very much. Especially it sold at supermarket was really bad,I think. But,but....the conger eel of the specialty shop's is really really really tasty!!!!! I always eat it with soy sauce and wasabi. It is great!!


2007/07/05 (木) 15:37:54

 I went to my parents house from July 2,and got back my house yesterday's early evening. Why I went there at this time was that I will not stay there in this summer vacation.
 I saw two my friends. One of them was my old friend from junior high school. She has a job on weekdays,so we met after work. There were not good restaurant or something around our parents house,so we had a dinner(?)at one Izakaya near Akashi station. To tell the truth,I already had a dinner with my paretnts, so I had a dinner twice that day!
 Then,I had some light foods,tofu,and salad of Japanese radish. They were very tasty! Especially the tofu's texture a rice cake. I love it.
 My friend drunk with some Yakitori and so on.

  大根とじゃこのサラダ〜  もっちり豆腐〜ホントに「もっちり〜〜」

 それで、2人の友達と会った。1人は・・・中学生の時からの友達で、昼間は仕事があるので仕事が終わってから待ち合わせて、近所にいい店が無いので明石駅近くの居酒屋へ行った。実は・・・既に実家で夕飯を食べてたのでこの日は2回も夕飯を食べたことになるぅ〜〜(>_<)。 だから軽めのあっさりしたもの・・・豆腐とか大根のサラダとか・・・を食べました。全部美味しかった〜♪特に豆腐のモチモチした食感が最高でした〜。餅みたいでしたよ・・・。

  ポルトバザール  ポルトバザール

 The next day,I saw another friend. We are old co-workers and we both already quit the job. And she has an another job now ,but she took a day off for me. Wow....thank you.
 Then,we went shopping at
PORTO BAZAR in Kobe. It was an outlet mall. The location was really good. We can see Akashi Kaikyo Bridge behind the buildings.
 We stayed there about 5 hours. And we bought a lot of things for special price. And,and.... we had a lunch at The TOOTH TOOTH Paradise Kitchen. It was a bakery restaurant,so it was all-you-can-eat bread. I had organic vegetable's spaghetti served cold with soup,
7breads and hot coffee. I ate too much. They were really really good! I want to eat there again.

     TOOTH TOOTHのパンたち〜  オーガニック野菜の冷製スパゲティ

 それで神戸のアウトレットモール ポルトバザールでお買い物。背後に明石海峡大橋が見えている絶好のポイントにあるんですよ。そこでなんと5時間も過ごしてイッパイお買い得な商品を買いました。そしてランチはTOOTH TOOTHというベーカリーレストランで食べました。私が食べたのはオーガニック野菜の冷製スパゲティとスープ、パン7個とコーヒー。食べ過ぎ〜(^^ゞ でも全部とっても美味しかったから、絶対また行きたい!

     さとの和食。。。これでも500kcal以下のメニューを選んだ〜  韓国語の歌「Perhaps Love]

 After that,we went to Karaoke. We love it very much,because it can release of stress. We always do it when we see. This time,I tried to sing Kobukuro's song,but they all were very difficult for me. I couldn't sing on key.  And then,I sang some NEWS and Tegomasu's songs. They were not bad. And,and,and....I tried to sing a Korean song for the first time. It was a theme song of Goong-Love in palace. I need to practice about it aftre this.
 At last,we had a dinner at Sato.
 Anyway,I lost my money too much,and I ate too much. But I had a great time.

 その後、カラオケに! 私達はカラオケ大好きで、会ったら必ず行っちゃいます〜。ストレス発散に良いしネ!今回は、コブクロの歌に挑戦したんだけど、難しくて音程が全く分かりませんでした(^_^;)。 それでNEWSの歌やテゴマスの歌を歌った。これはまあまあ上手く歌えた・・・かな??それからそれから・・・初めて韓国語の歌に挑戦しました(笑)ドラマ「宮」の主題歌なんだけど、これももっと練習が必要です(^^ゞ

2007/07/01 (日) 16:55:42

  青い水が綺麗な弁天池  地ビールレストラン PROVENCE

  ウニ&フルーツトマトのspaghetti  pizza マルゲリータ

 I drove to benten pond near Yamaguchi city today. Benten pond was very small but really beautiful blue.
 After that,I had a lunch at PROVENCE. It was a restaurant of local beer in Yamaguchi city. My husband had a sea urchin and fruit tomato's spaghetti,and I had a pizza margherita. Both were very tasty! Only my husband drank a local beer. It looked good.

 それから、山口市内(と言ってもすごい田舎)にあるPROVENCEという地ビールレストランでランチしました。旦那さんは”ウニとフルーツトマトのスパゲティ”私は”ピザ マルゲリータ”を注文。どっちもすごく美味しかった。旦那さんだけ地ビールを飲んでいました。美味しそうだった。