Umekichi Journal2007


2007/02/27 (火) 11:57:17

I took some clothes to the cleaners yesterday. Then,the shop stuff who is 70's said "I have a sneezing fit today." So,I asked her "Do you have a hayfever?" She answered "I have no idea. I've never had it before." ...............After that,she talked along about many things.
I don't know why she talked about her doughter,son,and son's wife. She
gave her children unreserved praise. "My son saved money 14,000,000yen for 14years." "My son bought a large land and house for us.""My doughter is considerate of others.""My doughter is hard worker." The other way,"My son's wife is not good at cooking." "My son's wife is not considerate of all things." ......... Abot 40minutes.
It's Ok. I was free yesterday,too. But,I wanted to buy some food stuffs for a morning sale. It was 11:45 am when I heard her talk. I felt "What should I do??" Oh,NO!!
Then,the shop's phone rung. And she said "Sorry,see you." to me. Finally I could went outside and got some food stuffs by noon. Phew...... Oh,she gave me lotus root,Japanese radish and fried rice cakes.
Was I lucky??? Maybe......

なぜか娘さん、息子さん、息子さんの嫁の話になり、自分の子供のことを褒めちぎっていた(笑)。「息子はねぇ、14年間で1千400万も貯金してたの・・・」「息子が広い土地と家を買ってくれて・・・」「娘はよく気の利く子でねぇ・・・」「娘は働き者で・・・」。それとは反対に「息子の嫁は料理が下手で・・・」「息子の嫁は気が利かない・・・」だそうです・・・・・。40分間ぐらいだったかなぁ?昨日も暇だったのでいいんだけど、スーパーの午前中だけやっているセールで買いたいものがあって、時間を見たら11時45分やん!?えぇ〜〜?困った〜〜!って思っていたら、なんとお店の電話が鳴り、そこでトークは終了! 無事に店を出て、目的の買い物をすることが出来ました〜〜。

2007/02/26 (月) 13:38:59

My husband and I went to Miwaku-no-sato,Hiroshima Pref. to take a hot springs yesterday. There were 3 kind of bathtub. And there was half-empty. So I enjoyed them. My husband loves takeing a hot springs,so he always has a long soak in a bathtub. But I don't like it. I can not take a long bath to the cntrary. So,he always makes me wait. That time, I sometimes get worried about he left me or he has some troubles? Of course,there was always nothing to worry about.
By the way, there was a big Totoro at the entrance.

昨日は旦那さまと広島にある魅惑の里というところにある温泉に行った。3種類の湯船があって、ガラガラ状態だったのでゆっくり楽しめた。旦那さんは、温泉が大好きでいつもすごく長く入っているんだけど、私は反対で長湯は苦手。なのでいつもかなり待たされます^m^ あまりにも長いと、「置いて行かれちゃったのかな?」とか「温泉で何かあったのかな?」心配になってきますが、いつも取り越し苦労です〜ハハハ。

2007/02/23 (金) 17:42:05

  私が食べてまあまあだったスパゲティ   友達に一口もらって超美味しかった「焼きカレー」

This morning,I run into my friend when I went for put the trash out. Then,I talked about I was going to go for shopping to Tokuyama. And then we went together. One department store takes a Hokkaido Bussanten just now. So I bought some Marusei Butter sand and so on. After that,we had lunch one restaurant. I had supaghetti and she had fried curry. Mine was alright. Hers was very good!! Oh.....I failed in choice of a menu today,too


2007/02/22 (木) 15:41:10

One my neighbor who loves Bae yong Joon and Lee Byung hun lent me some DVD of "Love Story in Harvard."Yeah,it is Korean TV drama series. She brought them to my house,so we had a cup of coffee and chatted little while ago. I knew she is really into Korean star. It cannot compare with me. So,in fact.I worried "can we agree with each other?" But....I found there wasn't any problems. Phew...Good.


2007/02/21 (水) 17:00:41

るるぶ 九州

Finally I bought a guide book of Kyushu area. I wanna visit to Kyushu after this.
By the way, I went for lunch with my friend at one restaurant near our house after a long time.
It was not bad,but not good. Umm...Recently I couldn't find any good restaurant. Enough about that,the friend is going to move to Tokyo the end of next month. And then,my boring days will return again. So,I feel sad very much now......

今日は、かなり久々にお友達とランチに行った。イマイチ美味しくなかった。最近美味しい店に出会わない。。。 まあそれはいいとして、そのお友達は来月の末に東京へ引っ越すことになった。そして私のつまらない日々がまた戻ってくるのです・・・。あぁ〜〜寂しくなる〜〜。

2007/02/18 (日) 21:26:38

I went for lunch and drive yesterday. I have a guide book of restaurant in Yamaguchi. First,I stopped at one Chinese noodle restaurant. It seems like a darty back shed. So I didn't eat there. Next,I stopped at taste of Mom's cooking restaurant. It seems like someone's house. Umm... I couldn't into there. Finally, I had a Okonomi-yaki at one restaurant. It was pretty bad. My homemade Okonomiyaki was better than that.


2007/02/16 (金) 13:49:17


I cooked Okonomi-yaki. Fettechine on it instead of Soba. Fettechine were burned to a crisp. They were my favorite texture,so good.
And,and,I got a result of my anual check up yesterday. I have nothing especially bad things

お好み焼きをした。ソバの代わりにフェットチーネを乗せてみた。フェットチーネがパリパリに焦げて私の好きな食感に♪ 美味しかったわ。。。

2007/02/14 (水) 15:27:54


I baked some cream puffs this morning. For what??? It's Valentine's day today! My husband likes cream puff,so I baked it. But....there were over 20 cream puff in my fridge. Then,I gave some of them to one my friend. And then,there are 15 now! Can we (my husband and I)eat them all tonight and tomorrow? Umm....... I hope so.

今朝はシュークリームを作りました〜。何でって?それはバレンタインデーだから。旦那さんがシュークリーム好きなので。でも20個以上できたのでお友達におすそ分けし、今は15個あります。今夜と明日ぐらいで2人で全部食べれるかな? 大丈夫だろう・・・。


And then,I saw beautiful Japanese plum blossomes at the park near my house. Is this plum?? Peach?? I don't know.

それから近所の公園で可愛い梅の花を発見!! でもこれって梅ですか?桃ですか?知らない(>_<)

2007/02/13 (火) 16:13:28

 関門海峡 唐戸市場にはたくさんの人人人・・・&お寿司〜〜。

Finally,I went to Shimonoseki and Moji this Sunday. It was pretty windy,but I could enjoyed it. Because,I always wanted to go there since I moved Yamaguchi. The Karato Market was so busy. There were many sushi and donburi!! Besides, Kanmon-kaikyo was very busy,too. Maybe I've never seen such a busy sea. I will update about it soon.

ついに行って来ました、下関&門司に! 結構風が強かったんだけどめっちゃ嬉しかったです。山口に引っ越してきて以来ずっと行きたかったので。唐戸市場はすごい混雑で、沢山のお寿司&どんぶりなどなどありました。 それに関門海峡もすごい混んでた!(行きかう船で)。こんな船が頻繁に往復する海を見たこと無いかも〜?

2007/02/10 (土) 14:01:25

Toooooooooooooo bitter!!! I love chocolate,especially dark chocolate. But this one isn't chocolate,I think.  It's not sweets.


2007/02/09 (金) 13:14:38


I wanted to get a new wallet for a long time. They say that Spring is the best if you buy a new wallet in Japan,right? So,I was waiting till the setting-in of spring. I bought this 50%off yesterday. I know it is not new design. I've seen it pretty long before. But,it is very soft leather and looks comfortable for me. So I got it. I'll bring it into use from next month.
By the way, I had links to one my friend's weblog and mine. There were a lot of information of restaurants of Nagoya. Please check it out.


2007/02/08 (木) 14:15:00

"Are you a doctor?" The taxi driver asked me.
Yesterday's morning,I took a taxi from Tokuyama station to one hospital,because I had to take an anual check up. Then,I said "I'd like to go to ---hospital." That time,the driver asked so to me. What?? Did I look a doctor rather than a nurse or patient?? Wow!! COOL!! But...No way!!

By the way,I had a big cup of barium that was lemon flavor. I hate it very much. The doctor said "Please drink it up." I couldn't complain.So I drank it very slowly with hope for the doctor said
"Alright"before I drink it up. Finally,he never said such a word. I had to drink all. I felt bad very much. I will get the results by mail about in two weeks.

「ドクターですか?」  タクシーの運転手さんにこう聞かれた。

2007/02/06 (火) 13:29:08


I cooked "pot-au-feu"yesterday. I used a commercial roux. There were some kind of spice. One of them was thyme. I didn't know that I don't like thyme's distinctive flavor. Then,I felt bad when I cooked it and I ate it. Then,as a matter of fact,I thought that I throw them into trash can and I cooked another meal. But it wasn't possible to be such trouble.
But,to my surprise,my husband said "It was not bad"after dinner. Wow!! Really??? Anyway,I didn't need to throw them into trash can.


   エビカツ巻き〜240円 無印のお菓子たち〜〜(^^♪

And,about today's lunch. I bought ebi-katsu-maki for 240yen at the supermarket this morning. It was very tasty!!! But,I didn't eat only this. One bread and many junk food. Althought,I gonna have an anual check up tomorrow!!! Oh....I like muji's junk foods these days.

それから今日の昼ご飯。 スーパーで”エビカツ巻”を240円で買った。すごい美味しかった〜♪ でも私が昼ごはんに食べたのはこれだけではありません。パン食べて・・・お菓子もいっぱい。明日は年に一度の成人病検診だというのに・・・。そうそう、最近無印のお菓子に凝ってま〜す。

2007/02/05 (月) 15:54:32


I went to Chogen-no-Sato,Tokuji,Yamaguchi City yesterday. I'm not sure that Chogen is a saint's name. I heard that he looked for many good woods for rebuild "Tohdaiji Temple"from Nara. Then there were some things about Nara and him. And....there were old Japanese house,park,restaurant....and so on. It was almost empty because of winter.


2007/02/03 (土) 13:44:59

  悲しき恋歌のサントラ   コブクロのベスト

I often listen to these CD these days. One of them is Korean TV drama's soundtruck. The drama "Sad Love Story" which I watched for the first time is this. I love it. So,when I listen to this CD,I remember the story. And,other one is "Kobukuro All Singles Best". I wasn't interested in Kobukuro. But a friend of mine recommended it to me. Then I tried to listen. Then, there are a lot of famous songs. Almost songs I've listened bofore I knew it. They all are great!!

この頃上の2つのCDをよく聴いています。ひとつは韓国ドラマ”悲しき恋歌”のサントラ。私が一番最初に観た韓国ドラマで、大好きなので聴いているとドラマのストーリーを思い出す〜〜。懐かしい〜(^^♪ もうひとつのCDはコブクロのベストアルバムです。コブクロには全く興味が無かったんだけど、友達の薦めで聴いてみた。そしたらめっちゃ有名な曲がイッパイでほとんど知らないうちに聴いたことあるような曲ばっかり!全部グッドです〜〜♪

2007/02/02 (金) 17:49:28

I did crazy thing today,too. I took a nap two and a half hours this afternoon. And I lay down on the electric carpet and put two zabutons(cushions). Oh......I will catch a cold again??? No,no...I didn't want to catch a cold anymore.
