Umekichi Journal2006


2006/09/28 (木) 18:17:22

Well,I gonna write about last week.
マルミミゾウ きゃ〜〜♪超可愛いシロクマ

I went to Tokuyama Zoo with my friend from Kobe. It was a pretty small zoo. And it was half-empty,because of weekday. There were two polar bears. Maybe they were a couple. It was pretty hot day,so they lay around their place. I love them. I saw them twice.
And,there was an
elephant. He seemed to want to play with his keeper. Cute!!

神戸から来た友達と「徳山動物園」に行きました。小さな動物園で、平日なのでガラガラでした。2頭のシロクマちゃんが居て(多分カップル)、暑かったのでずっと檻の中でゴロゴロしていました。可愛い〜♪ 大好きなので2回見に行きました。それから、象さんは飼育係さんに遊んでもらいたそうにしていました〜。これも可愛い。

萩城跡 錦帯橋

And,the other day,I went to Hagi again. I lend a bicycle for 5hours. I enjoyed very much. I bought two small Hagi-ware cup. In fact,I wanted to buy it more. So I want to go to Hagi again sometime soon!! And next day,I went to a Kintaikyo-bridge again,too. It was very beautiful as usual.


2006/09/28 (木) 14:52:43

Today,I bought a CD after a long time. It called "100 CLASSICS". It is ten pieces of one set for 3,000yen. Isn't it reasonable??? There are "Best of TV","Best of cinema","Best of Chopin".....and so on. I will listen them before sleep from tonight.

今日は久々にCDを買った。「100クラシック」というもので、10枚セットになってて3000円!かなりお得ですよね?? 「テレビベスト」「映画ベスト」「ショパンベスト」・・・などなどあります。今夜から寝る前にでも聴くぞ〜。

2006/09/27 (水) 17:21:51

What's this????? I found it at my porch this morning. It lay upside down and struggled . So I helped him(?). Is it a beetle? I don't know about insects. looked more little thick than a beetle what I knew. Umm.....

コレ何ですか〜? 今朝ベランダで発見して、裏返ってもがいてたので救出してあげたのですが。カブトムシかなぁ?昆虫に詳しくないのでわからん! でも、なんか見たことあるカブトムシよりも分厚い気がする・・・。むむむ・・・?

2006/09/26 (火) 17:36:14

I usually get up at 7:15am. But I waked up about 7:05am,because of the earthquake this morning. It was scale of 3 in my place. But I felt more,because I'm living on the 11th floor. Besides,the elevator was out of order after that. So......I didn't throw out any garbages.


2006/09/25 (月) 18:37:45


I was so busy for the past week. My friend came from Kobe. So we went to Hagi,Iwakuni and zoo for 3days last week. It was very beautiful fine autumn day,so we could enjoy very much. I will write about them sometime soon.
And today,I went to "Hokkaido- Bussanten". I got two pudding,a Ikameshi and Shiroi-koibito. Now I have many sweets in my house!! I'm very happy.


2006/09/17 (日) 10:00:01

Have a look at this! I took it from my porch little while ago. A typhoon is approaching here now. So...there are a lot of boats keep the sea. Maybe they keep from go aground,right?? I saw this sea everyday,but I can see a few boats. So I was surprised when I saw them this morning. Very interesting thing. I hope that we never have a tyhoon damage after this.


2006/09/15 (金) 17:26:09

血圧計 blood-pressure

I bought a blood-pressure meter the other day. Then,I'm checking my BP every day before I go to bed. Have a look at my BP! Is it pretty low,right?? But maybe no problem. They say that low BP's person doesn't wake up easily,right? But I never feel so.


2006/09/13 (水) 16:41:30

I can't help reading all storyline of Korean TV drama series on the net before I watch them. I know it's nonsense. But I can't wait to see next story.
Now,I saw "Sultry night of December(12gatsu no Nettaiya) ”every morning on TV. I saw until episode 5,but I already know what is going to happen and how is last. But!!! I'm sure that I can enjoy them after this,too. Korean drama series is really beautiful.


By the way,I went to Hofu City last weekend. There were Hohu Tenmangu Shrine and so on. There was a new high tower in front of Hofu Station. But...there were no special things.


2006/09/08 (金) 18:37:31

I changed my hair style today. I kept semi-long hair a few years. I love it very much. But,I don't know why,I wanted tochange. Then,I had my hair cut about 25cm,besides had straight permanent for the first time in my life. Now,my hair style is straight too much!!! What's this??? It seems high school girl in summer! Although,it's autumn. Hahahahaha..


2006/09/06 (水) 9:58:31

しまうま リスザルが私に!!It's me!

I went to Akiyoshidai Safari park(Yamaguchi Pref.)last Sunday,of course with my husband. We went into the park by my car. First,we rent a guiding device at the gate. Then,we could listen to some explanation of the animals which we just watched now. But,I was wrapped up taking photos ,so I didn't listen them. Hahaha..... Un fortunately,I wasn't able to take good photos,because as you know we couldn't open all windows of the car.
After we saw all animals throught the window,we could get out of car. There were a few space that we could touch some small animals. One squirrel monkey walked from my left hand to my right hand,got through my back of neck. I felt little fear,even though it was cute.


2006/09/05 (火) 14:10:03

車エビのお料理  ナポリタン リングイネ

About my wedding anniversary's dinner......I couldn't eat out. Not only that,I did to wash a car! Gee.
But my husband cooked two dishes for dinner. Hot-sweet fried prown,and Napolitan ringuine. How looks them?? They were very good. Sometimes,my husband is a good chef. He will be a great chef,when he wash the dishes. Anyway,they were really tasty! Maybe,I ate ringuine for the first time. It was good!

でも、旦那さんが夕飯を作ってくれた。車エビのから揚げの甘辛炒め、とリングイネのナポリタン。どうです??美味しかったです〜!旦那さんは時々料理してくれて上手なんだけど、後片付けもしてくれたら最高のシェフなんだけどなぁ〜〜(笑) でも美味しかった〜。多分リングイネを食べたのは初めてだと思うんだけどなかなかグーでした。

2006/09/01 (金) 15:32:37


It's September!!! Wow! I feel cool these days. I'm happy.
By the way,I bought a cookbook this morning. I usually looked up some recipes on the net. So,I bought a new cookbook after a long time.
Oh,tomorrow is my wedding anniversary!! I don't have any special plan,but I hope to eat out.

もう9月! このごろ涼しくなってきたわ〜。嬉しい♪