Umekichi Journal2006

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2006/08/29 (火) 3:32:53 PM

阪急富田駅 (Hankyu railway,Tonda station)

Phew...... My long long summer vacation has gone! During the vacation,I had a lot of fun things to do. I saw some friends from high school,and old coworkers. Besides,I visited Takatsuki City for the first time in this 6 years. In fact,I've lived Takatsuki city until 6 years ago. So,I visited some friends after a long time. They were fine and same as before. We chatted and ate a lot. I had a great time.
And,I stayed 5 days at my parents house and parents in-laws house. After that,I went for drive to Shikoku area. I will update about it on my photo's page after a long time.

ふぅ〜〜〜〜っ! 長〜〜い夏休みが終わりました。休みの間・・・楽しいことがたくさんありました。高校時代の友達や元同僚に会い・・・高槻市にも6年ぶりに行きました。実は6年前まで高槻に住んでました。で、久しぶりに訪ねて行き、数人のお友達と再会!いっぱいしゃべって食べて・・・楽しいひと時でした。

2006/08/16 (水) 11:27:02 AM

It's sizzling and stifling hot day,today,too.
Last Saturday's night,I went for drive to see starry ski on the mountain road,near Tsuwano. Unfortunately,the moon was pretty bright,so,I couldn't see some stars clearly,even thought there were a lot of stars.
But,instead, I saw some cute wild animals. A Japanese laccoon and a rabbit. They suddenly appeared in front of a car. It's very dangerous!! In fact,I saw some dead body of animals on the road. I feel very sorry....
By the way, I will go to my hometown from this weekend. I will see some friends and have many plans. I enjoy them.  See you.

でも、その代わりに可愛い野生の動物たちに出くわしました。タヌキと野ウサギです。突然車の前に飛び出してきました!危ない〜〜!! 実際、道路上で動物の死体も見てしまいました(泣)。可哀想に・・・。

2006/08/11 (金) 7:08:58 AM

I'm very busy these days,because I'm watching some Korean TV drama series every day,again. As many people know, there is a chaebol's (=zaibatsu)son and an ordinary,sometimes very poor,girl get to know accidentaly in the story. And they began dating and want to marry. But the man has a fiance whom his parents decided. And and,almost the fiance is very mean. They get over a lot of problems,after that they find happiness,at last. Many Korean dramas have such storyline. So,some my friends said"I got tired about them." But,I'm still enjoy them.
In an interesting thing,when one actor who I don't know besides not cool and not my type appeare in it. I think "Who is this not cool man??",at first. But,I see him with episode 2,3,4........,he gradually looks cool.
By the way, I've already finished to read the book"QUILL". I love QUILL. I'll write about it next time.


2006/08/07 (月) 5:29:17 PM

Yesterday,I went to supermarket ,"M",early-evening, It was nearest supermarket from my house. But,usually,I go to there around once a week. When I finished shopping,one staff asked me"Could you take the time to fill out the questionnair?". I asked her,"What kind of questionnair?" She replied "About this shop." Then,I agreed.
I sat on a chair and read the questionnair sheet.......all the questions were "Where dou you usually buy some fish,and why??""Where do you usually buy some vegetables,and why??".......There were about 10
kind of such questions. And I answered them honesty,"I usually buy XXX at another supermarket"A"",and so on.... That time,my feeling was getting "I'm sorry",because there were not thins to buy there mainly. Besides,there was a last question,"What is the most complaint thing for our shop?" Then,I wrote "The atmosphere is dismal."(But,this is real thing!)
After that,the shop staff said "Thank you very much"with smile and gave me a small gift.

On my way home.....I felt pretty bad. Was I too honest???



2006/08/05 (土) 1:52:16 PM


I bought this book,"QUILL The Life of a Guide Dog",on impulse yesterday. It is in English. The publicity said "You can't stop crying,even if you read in English." Is it real? I've never read it in Japanese,too. Can I cry??

昨日「盲導犬クィールの一生」という本の英語版を衝動買いしました。宣伝では「英語で読んでも涙が止まらない」と書いてあります。ホント?? 日本語版も読んだこと無いので、泣けるか楽しみです。

2006/08/03 (木) 8:51:29 AM

山口宇部空港 山口宇部空港

I made it. Finally,I picked my husband up at Ube airport last Saturday. I'm still alive. Phew.....
That day,the plane which he boreded arrived at 8:30pm. But I arrived there at 5:20pm. When I arrived the airport, I got email from my husband. It said"Please drive safely." So,I replied right away,"No problem.I already arrived." He said "You are crazy!". But......I don't like that I drive a car after sunset. And I was afraid if I tired about the long drive,I have to take a break at SA or somewhere... I thought a lot of bad situation. Then I left my house early. I killed 3 hours there,having some cup of tea while reading magazine,and watching the plane at deck. Time passed early than I thought.
