Umekichi Journal2006

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2006/06/29 (木) 15:11:50

This is....stuffed doll of Aokubi Daikon. My nephew has it. Funny....
By the way, I updated Trip&Photo's page about Tokyo yesterday. Please check it out,if you like.


2006/06/26 (月) 19:11:47

I went to Yokohama and Tokyo last week. I'm still very tired. But Tokyo was really atractive place. I have a lot of place to go,but I always don't have enough time and enough powers!

先週、横浜&東京へ行ってきた。まだ疲れが残ってます…>_<… 東京ってホントに魅力的。いっぱい行きたい場所があるけど、いつも時間とパワーが足りませんf(^ー^;

2006/06/20 (火) 15:14:19

I went to see the ear, nose and throat specialist(?)this morning. I often have had a stuffy nose for 4 or 5 years. Then,I looked in the book to see why? Then,I saw the nose problem can read to eye hurt and tooth hurt,as my dentist said.
I took an X-ray and did a blood test. The X-ray didn't have any problems. The blood test's result will be in a week. And I had some kind of procedures. I was taken a few kind of long things inside my nose. They were pretty hurt! I felt close to tears.....

今朝は耳鼻咽喉科へ行ってきた。4〜5年前からしょっちゅう鼻づまりが気になり、本で調べたら鼻の病気が原因で目や歯が痛くなることがあるらしかったので。歯医者さんの言う通りだったわ。それで、レントゲン撮って、血液検査した。レントゲンは問題無しで、血液検査の結果は1週間後。 それから何種類かの処置を受けたんだけど、長〜いものを鼻の中に突っ込まれて、かなり痛かった(--;) 泣きたかったわ。。。

2006/06/19 (月) 16:45:30

笠戸島 カマキリ

I went for drive to Kasado-island yesterday, It is a small island near my house. And it is famous for flatfish,so there was a monument of it. I didn't eat it at there yesterday,becaus I can buy it reasonable at the supermarket any time. Besides it always pretty tasty.
My husband found a rearhourse child. It was very small and pretty.


2006/06/15 (木) 16:01:58

I have taken a nap for two hours today! Oh,I lost my time.....
I had a doctor appointment this morning,but I canceled it. was heavy rainnig that time,and....I have a bad breath,because I ate some fresh garlic last night. So I changed my appointment. It's tomorrow morning. I'm afraid tomorrow is OK??? Umm...

今日は2時間も昼寝してしまった…>_<… 時間が勿体無い〜〜〜。

2006/06/12 (月) 16:30:43

I went to Miyajima the day before yesterday. I've been there once when I was elementary school student. So,I completely forgot about how it was. And I forgot that Miyajima is a real island!! Wow.... Then,I left a car at Miyajimaguchi station and got on a boat. It was only 7 or 8 minutes. That time was low water,so many people did gethering of clams there. Umm...I want to visit there at high water next time. When is it?? I have no idea.

一昨日、宮島へ行った。小学生の時1度行ったことがあったけど、完全に忘れてました。宮島がホントに「島」だということも・・・f(^ー^; 車を置いて、船で7〜8分で渡った。干潮だったのですごくたくさんの人が潮干狩りしてました…。今度は満潮の時に行きたいなぁ・・・。それはいつなんだろう?さぱり分らない

2006/06/08 (木) 15:20:51

I went to the dentist this morning for the first time in here. I asked a super "which dentist is good near here?"before. She was right! The dentist was good. Because...he listened well my symptoms and explained intelligibly. Good.
I sometimes have a pain in my tooth since 5 or 6 years before. But it always has no problem in my tooth and gum. Then,the dentist said "I'm not sure but your nose has something problem and it lead the pain." .....Oh,really??


2006/06/06 (火) 18:42:29

I changed a design of the "Photo&Trip SPAZIO",a little. I tried to write Japanese Islands by myself. It looks like a childish scrawl. Hahaha... And,I just found now that I forgot about Okinawa! Oh,I'm really sorry. But,maybe I never visit to there...... So,alright.

写真&旅のページをちょこっとイメチェンしました。日本列島の形を自分で書いてみましたが…子供の落書きみたいになっちゃいましたf(^ー^; そして今気づいたけど、沖縄を忘れてる〜〜!でも、きっと行かないからこのままでいいや。ゴメンなさい〜沖縄〜

2006/06/03 (土) 15:04:04

I found a pet shop near my house. Then,yesterday,I went there for the first time. There was a pig! He(She?) was sleeping and sometimes yawned. He never waked up,while I looked. Although,I picked his body a few times by my finger. Then,I went there today,again. Today,he gobbled away...... It's very funny. There were not found his name and price. Is he a pet of this shop? 



2006/06/01 (木) 21:25:08

My husband bought this car "LEXUS"in March, He bought it,after that he has been transfered before get the car. I heard that TOYOTA is never stock it. They always start to produce after took order. So,we usually have to wait about 2 months.
Finally,the car came our house one month ago. Then,we enjoy driving these days. I don't like drive myself. But this car is easier to drive than "PRADO" for me. So,good!
By the way,this car has many great sistems. I often say "Wow!"when I get in the car.

3月にレクサスを購入!申し込んだ後、旦那さんは転勤が決まりました〜。トヨタはこの車を作り置きしないらしく、全て注文を受けてからの生産になるそうで、2ヶ月待たされました。それで1ヶ月前についに我家に到着♪ そして最近もドライブを楽しんでいるというわけです。 運転は嫌いですが、プラドよりは運転しやすいのでいいです〜。そして、すごい驚くようなシステム満載で、車に乗るたびに「へぇ〜」って言ってる私です。