Umekichi Journal2006

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2006/05/29 (月) 15:47:33

I heard that one my friend takes a baking bread lesson these days. Then I wanted to bake myself,too. I tried to bake some rolls for the first time this afternoon. They are not good-looking,but...I satisfy myself. They rose very well,and very tasty than I thought. I like to make knead dough by hand. Besides I can feel happy when I look the dough well-rises. Which kind of bread do I try next time?



2006/05/25 (木) 9:15:20

    ladybug てんとう虫くん

I bought this ladybug for 2,625yen yesterday. Yeah,it's a cover of box of tissue. I love it so much at first sight. Then,I got it. It has a presence,doesn't it?? How cute!


2006/05/23 (火) 9:15:43

I went to Yamaguchi-Ube air port last Saturady and I went to Kintaikyo last Sunday. There was no air plane,completely. Kintaikyo was good. But it was pretty hot day,about 28℃,so I was tired.

 宇部空港 錦帯橋

2006/05/22 (月) 19:11:28

Little while ago,my neighbor who is the community asociation president came my place and collected a fee. She said "Please pay 1200 yen." I asked her "Is it for a month?" She answerd "For a year." OH!! Great! It's very reasonable,isn't it? I had to pay 1,250yen for month in Yokkaichi's one town. It was crazy.... So,I'm happy today.

ちょっと前に、近所の自治会長さんが自治会費を集金に来ました。「1200円お願いします〜」と言われたので「1ヶ月分ですか?」って聞いたら「1年分です」。。。だって〜〜!素晴らしいわ\(^O^)/ 四日市の某所では月に1250円も払ってましたから・・・。なので今日はプチハッピーです

2006/05/17 (水) 16:05:00

I went to see "Limit of Love Umizaru"today. It was after a long long time that I saw Japanese movie at the theatre. I love Hideaki Ito. And I've seen the last "Umizaru"and TV drama series of "Umizaru". They were pretty good. So I wanted to see it,too. I cried a lot. I was moved very much. Hideaki I acted "Daisuke Senzaki" who works for Japan Coast Guard. He is a diver. And he rescues many people from the sea. Dasuke always never give up. And he never leave someone,never leave his co-worker. I was really moved about his belief. I can really recommend this movie for everyone.
But,one thing! It was almost sea shot,so it had many swing scene. Then I got like a sea sick,just a little. hahaha...

今日は「Limit of Love 海猿」を見てきました。日本の映画を映画館で観るなんて何年振りかな??思い出せないほどです。伊藤英明さんが大好きだし、海猿の前作品とテレビドラマも観て、なかなか良かったので、今回のも見たくなりました。大泣きしたし感動しました〜〜。伊藤くんは”仙崎ダイスケ”という海上保安庁に勤めている潜水士で、海で多くの人を救出する役柄なんだけど、彼は絶対に諦めないし、絶対に仲間のことも誰のことも見捨てません。その信念に本当に感動しました。是非これはみなさんにお薦めしたいです。でもひとつだけ・・・ほとんど海のシーンなので揺れている映像が多くて、ちょっと船酔いみたいになっちゃいました〜( ´−`)。

2006/05/16 (火) 10:05:01

Last Saturaday,I went to Hiroshima. I saw "Genbaku-Dome". It was urban area. After that,I walked along a big shopping street. And I ate a "Hiroshima-yaki". And then I got back my house.
"Hiroshima-yaki"was pretty good. I rarely eat it until now. But I will eat it more after this.

原爆ドーム 広島焼き


2006/05/15 (月) 16:26:21

Last night,when I brushed my teeth,I found a hard thing in my mouth. I was pretty surprised. And I thought what is this?? Umm... It looked a stone. Was it a cavity protection?? I've had my decayed tooth treated some years ago. But I don't remember which tooth was treated. Then I tryed to eat some ice cream and hot drink. But I have a pain in no tooth. Finally,what was the stone?? It's mystery.


2006/05/12 (金) 16:00:36

I went to a beauty salon this morning. I made an appointment,so I didn't need to wait. I always had a hard time with beauty salon,when I moved. I felt the salon was pretty good that I selected. Phew. I will go there next time,too.
Then,I asked many things to my beautician about life around here,while I having cut my hair.
First,he said to me "There is nothing around here,isn't it?" I confused,because...I heard that he is a local. So,I just lough this off. hahaha.... Then,I asked him "Where do you always buy your clothes??" He replied "I usually go shopping to Hiroshima or Fukuoka." Hiroshima and Fukuoka?? They are very far. I can't go there easily. Well,I rarely buy my clothes. Maybe,no problem.

今朝は美容院へ行ってきた。予約してたので待たされる時間は無かった。引越すたびにいつもどこの美容院へ行こうか悩む…>_<… 今日選んだお店はまあまあ良かったです。きっと次も行くと思います。
それで、カットしてもらってる間に、美容師さんにこの辺のことを聞きました。最初に「この辺、何も無いでしょ〜?」って言われて、地元の人だと聞いてたので返事に困ったから笑ってごまかしときました(笑) それで「服とかどこで買うんですか?」って聞いたら「広島か福岡ですね〜〜」って。えぇ〜〜?広島と福岡??遠すぎるわ。滅多に行けないわ。でもまぁ・・・滅多に服を買わないのでいいけどね。

2006/05/09 (火) 15:46:56

How terrible!!! I saw that TV proglam. Yes! that....Navy bean Diet's. And I looked for Navy beans at supermarket yesterday. But,fortunately(unfortunately?),there weren't. How luckey!! I saw that there are a lot of people,over 600,have a diarrhea and feel bad because of that beans. I feel very sorry.


2006/05/08 (月) 17:13:06


The GW holiday has finished. I went to some place in Yamaguchi Pref.. Yamaguchi City was little big city and there were some cool shops. Besides there were a lot of young people. I guess there are some University. And I went to Hagi and Tsuwano. They were very famous place,right? I've been to Hagi once,long long time ago. But I've never been to Tsuwano before. I enjoyed them.
I took this photo by my cell-phone. How beautiful!!


2006/05/02 (火) 16:22:01

I went to Yanai City the other day. There are "White buildings street(Shirakabe-no-Machi)".  
And...there was one soy sauce company. We can tour inside. I heard that Tomoya Nagase and Tatsuya Yamaguchi from TOKIO visited there to tape a TV show by solar car. Wow!
