Umekichi Journal2006

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2006/03/29 (水) 22:02:12

Oh my GOD!! 今利用しているネットのプロバイダーの私が利用している商品が・・・次の引越し先では利用出来ないようです…>_<… しかも、変更するにしてもギリギリなので、すぐにネットをできないようです。。。ショック。。。 だからもし長い間ココを更新してなくても、元気でいると思います〜〜 (~v~)。

2006/03/27 (月) 23:39:38

I had a farewell party of mine tonight. My friends from English class gave it for me.Thank you very much. I'm living in this city since April,2002. I got a really really good friends. I'm very happy!! They say,"Long absence,soon forgotten",but....I want they don't forget me. I never forget you all.  
I have to move this weekend. So I can't update here for a while.

今日は私の送別会でした。英会話のお友達が開いてくれました。4年前からこの街に住んで、本当に良いお友達にめぐり合えました。すごく幸せ♪ ”去るもの日々に疎し”って言うけど、私のことを忘れないでねぇ〜〜!私も絶対に忘れません。

2006/03/20 (月) 21:15:43

I went to Nagoya last Friday to meet my friends from Kabuki. We had lunch at Hoteru Associa Naoya Terminal. It was very good. I had a great time. I took a photo of sweets. Isn't it tasty?

Then,I went to Hikone to eat "Ayu-Zosui"yesterday. It was very tasty,too. I had a lot of tasty foods these days. I'm very happy......

But.......Today,I had a very very very sad news.
I have to move to far place from here,because my husband is transferred to.....somewhere. I will talk about somewhere after I moved. I'm shocked very much. I don't want to say "Good bye"to my friends. But,I can't complain. Anyway,I have to find a place where we live.


旦那さんの転勤で、遠いところへ引っ越すことになりました(; ;)ホロホロ。場所は後ほどお知らせするとして・・・すごいショックです…>_<… お友達とお別れしたくないです!でもしょうがない・・・。

2006/03/15 (水) 18:41:08

I took a English lesson this morning and I played tennis yesterday's morning. They were good.
These days I'm building new pages about Seoul for my website. So my eyes are tired very much. A few years ago,I could use the PC for hours,but recently I feel tired soon.... I'm getting older day by day.…>_<… 
By the way,I found Gang Dong Won is cool. Hahaha...

最近は、ソウルのページ作成で毎日忙しくしています〜。なので目がすごく疲れる。数年前までは何時間でもPCに向かっていられたのに・・・・この頃はすぐに疲れちゃう(T.T) ドンドンドンドン・・・老いてるのね…>_<… 

2006/03/13 (月) 14:52:14

I went to Kushihara hot springs Sasayuri-no-Yu yesteday. It was in Ena-gun Gihu Pref.. I heard it opend 2years ago. So it was elaborately-built and clean. Besides it was surrounded by mountains. Then,I felt relaxed very well. I don't like take a bathtub for a long minutes,but I took it pretty long mimutes yesterday. In fact,I took a picture of the building,but I don't know why,I accidentally deleted it. I'm crazy....

昨日は岐阜県恵那郡にある「くしはら温泉ささゆりの湯」へ行った。2年ほど前にオープンしたらしくて凝った建物で綺麗でした。それに山に囲まれているのですごくリラックスできた\(^O^)/ 長湯は苦手なんだけど、昨日は結構長く浸かっていました〜。実は建物の写真を撮ってきたんだけど、何故かさっき削除してしまった…>_<…狂ってる〜

2006/03/08 (水) 15:42:05

I took a English lesson this morning. After that,I had lunch with all my classmates. It combined farewell party and welcome party. One classmate quited our class last month. And one woman became a member from this month. Classmates is getting change little by little. Sometime I have to quit it. I feel it isn't so far......

スズキのカルパッチョ 和牛ステーキ デザート


2006/03/06 (月) 14:05:34


I got back from Seoul last Friday. It was a travel for two nights and three days. We were almost eating and shoping at Nandemun,Tondemun,Myongdon...and so on. I got a lot of things. But I wanted time to do shopping more and more. Seoul is pretty near from Japan,besides there are many interesting things,so I wwant to there again and again.
