Umekichi Journal2006

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2006/02/27 (月) 15:47:45

I went to Tsurumi-ryokuchi Park in Osaka last Saturday. It was really sunny day,looks like spring,so I felt good. The ume blossoms were pretty good.
This park held "International Gardan and Greenely Exposition"in 1990. Some things were preserved from it. Umm.....1990.....I feel it is long long time ago. I remember that I rode a roller coaster called "Hujin-raijin". It was terrible!!


2006/02/23 (木) 17:26:48

I don't know why I'm little not good from yesterday. I don't have a fever,I don't have any symptom of a cold,but I feel weak. Then,I took a nap this afternoon after a long time. And I got up a little while ago. Umm...I'm still not good.

なんでか分らないけど昨日から不調…>_<… 熱も無いし風邪のような症状も無いんだけどだるい。なので久々にお昼寝をしてみて、さっき起きたんだけど・・・やっぱりイマイチ。

2006/02/20 (月) 16:41:19

I went to Mt.Horaiji for walk last Saturday. It was sunny day,I sweated. And I have a heavy muscle ache from yesterday. As you know there were 1425steps. Of course I have to went up and down them. I've tried it once about 2years ago. This time was harder than last time for me. I know it's with my age.



2006/02/14 (火) 15:34:04

I didn't play tennis today,even though it was really perfect tennis day. It was sunny and no wind. Now,I have little rigrets.....
By the way, I enjoy watching Trino Olympic on TV these days. I watched snowboard contest. That was incredible!!! Why do they get such a thing?? Marvelous! And,I'm looking forward to see figure skating competition after this. Go for it GIAPPONE!

この頃はテレビでオリンピックを見て楽しんでます!スノーボード見ました。あれはスゴ過ぎる!なんであんなことが出来るんだろう??素晴らしいわ♪ そして今後は、フィギュアスケートが楽しみです。頑張れ日本!

2006/02/08 (水) 19:01:00

I will go to Seoul soon. So I have searched about Seoul's town,restaurants and shops since last month. Fortunately ,I have a friend who well known about Seoul. I wanted to go with her,too. But she is pretty busy. So,she told me a lot of her recommended things instead. I like make a plan for trip,so I really enjoy it these days. What should I be worn to Seoul? What should I bring to Seoul? What should I ......??
Oh! I can't wait.


2006/02/06 (月) 15:16:04
I went to Meiji-mura yesterday. There were a lot of buildings of Meiji Period. Although it was cold yesterday,since we had sunlight,it was good. I will update about it sometime soon.
By the way,I often go to Gihu direction by car. Then,there is a roadside station called "Claire Hirata"along Nagara-river. And there is a cafe reataurant. If you have a cup of coffee,you can eat a just fried tansy donut for 300yen. The donut is very tasty! I live it. So I often stopped there on my way home. Yesterday,I ate two donuts,mine and my husband's. Oh.....I'm getting fat again.


ところで、私はよく岐阜方面へドライブしますが、長良川沿いにある道の駅「クレール平田」というのがあって、そこにカフェレストランがい軒あります。そこでコーヒーを頼んだら300円なんだけど、揚げたてのヨモギドーナツが1個付いてくるんです〜〜\(^O^)/これがめっちゃ美味しい♪ なのでよく帰り道にココへ寄ります。昨日は旦那さんの分まで2個も食べました〜〜σ(^◇^;) またドンドン太ってきた・・・

2006/02/01 (水) 16:06:59

It's already Februaly,isn't it? Oh,time really flies.
By the way,my husband has cought a flue since last week. His doctor said"Maybe your wife already got it from you." How terrible!!! I've never cought a flu in my life. Besides I didn't have a flue shot. Do I really get it sometime soon??? I hope I can save myself. Anyway,his symptom was not so seriously. Maybe he has a resistance to disease. Good! I envy him.

私の旦那さんが・・・先週からインフルエンザに罹っています(--;) 医者に言ったら「たぶん奥さんにもうつってるでしょう」って言ったらしい・・・。怖い〜〜( ´−`)。今までインフルエンザなんて罹ったこと無いし、予防接種も受けて無いし。ホントに近いうちに罹るのかなぁ?逃れたい!とりあえず、旦那さんの症状は軽くてよかった。抵抗力があるんやわ〜。羨ましいっ。