Umekichi Journal2006

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2006/01/27 (金) 17:01:39

I had my hair cut today for the first time in this three months. I only cut 5cm. I guess that nobady can find it. In fact,I can't believe it by myself.

2006/01/24 (火) 19:10:19

I baked some cream puffs after a long time yesterday.


Isn't it looks good?? I cut down on sugur of custard,so it was pretty bland,I thought. But....not bad.

見かけは良くないですか〜? 砂糖をかなり控えめにしたので、カスタードクリームの味が薄いんだけど、まあまあかな?

And,and....One friend of mine went to Seoul the other day. And she got a mirror with Kwon Sangwoo for me. How kindly!!! I love it♪

それからそれから・・・先日ソウルへ行ってきたお友達が、サンウさんの写真入ミラーを買ってきてくれました\(^O^)/ なんて優しいのかしら〜〜♪ ふふふ・・・。

2006/01/23 (月) 17:49:12

I took a hot springs at Mugegawa,Seki City,Gifu Pref.the day before yesterday. It was good.
After that I had lunch there. Then,there were a few unique foods at the restaurant and shop. My husband bought two things.


One of them was.....


As you see,it was....Kanroni of young bees! Oh,NO!!




This is ....Tsukudani of locusts. …>_<…


I only ate this one. It was...not bad. But I closed my eyes when I ate it.

これだけ1匹食べた…>_<… 味は悪くないけど・・・目をつぶって食べましたf(^ー^;

2006/01/19 (木) 17:32:19

I went for walking to Tsushima city,Aichi Pref.last weekend. I've been this city a lot of times,because there was a Chinese dumpring restaurant that was my favorite one. But I've never been another place in this city.



This is Tsushima Shrine.


This is Tennogawa Park. There was a big wisteria trellis that I've never seen before. I guess it must be beautiful after GW. I want to see them sometime.



There was a stone statue. I heard that he was Yonejiro Noguchi. He was international poet.
I didn't know.


2006/01/17 (火) 17:20:15

I played tennis this morning for the first time in this year. It was pretty windy today,but I could enjoy it. There were 3 people include me. One of them likes Korean TV drama series,so I'm looking forwered to talk about it with her. After tennis,we had some cakes with coffee at good cake shop. I went there for the first time. They all were pretty good,so I bought some cookies,too. I wanna go there again.


2006/01/13 (金) 19:00:11

I got my annual checkup this morning. I had a cup of barium. As you know,it tasted terrible. I don't want to have it forrver!


By the way, I went to Sekigahara direction for drive last weekend.


This snow capped mountain was Mt.Ibuki.


This road was near Sekigahara entrance to the Meishin express highway. There were almost 100cm fall of snow!


This is a pond. Maybe it freezed,because I found someone's footsteps on there.


2006/01/11 (水) 15:18:19

I had a lot of things to do during the year-end and New Year holidays. So I couldn't update here.

The year-end,I went bowling with my friend. We enjoyed 3games. My best score was 132. Not so bad. But I hoped to get over 150. Next time,I will.
And,I played with my nephews at my parents house. And and...I saw 4 kind of TV proglams just around the same time.They were "PRIDE","K-1","Kohaku Utagassen" and "Comedy". I've never seen "PRIDE" and "K-1". I didn't like such a combat sports. But I heard that Kwon Sangwoo will attend the PRIDE,so I saw it. He really came here and he talked a little at the ring. It was good. Besides,"PRIDE"was more interesting than I thought. Then,I tried to see "K-1",too.

About New-Year Holidays,I went to "Winter Sale"to Hankyu Department store in Osaka on January2th. Yeah,it was first day for sale! As we all know,there was crowded very much. But,I got two Lucky Bags of underwear. They were both 3,000yen,but there were many things,over 10,000yen,in them. I was very happy. And,I got two clothes.
After that,I had a cup of tea at one cafe. It was 32th floor at a building. Wow! Umeda is real big city. I went there after a long time. I had a great time.

年末は、友達とボウリングしました。3ゲームして私の最高得点は132点。悪くないけど150以上取りたかった(--;) 今度は絶対にガンバロウっと。
それと実家で甥っ子たちといっぱい遊んだ。大晦日は同時間に4種類の見たいテレビがあって、忙しかった〜f(^ー^; 「プライド」「K-1」「紅白歌合戦」それと「お笑い番組」。プライドやK−1のような格闘技は好きじゃなかったし、見たこと無かったんだけど、クォン・サンウ氏が会場に観戦しにくる?という噂を聞いたので見てましたf(^ー^; 実際彼は来てて、挨拶もしてた♪ 良かった〜。そして、予想外にもプライドが面白かったので、K−1も見てみた(笑)。

新年は・・・1月2日に大阪・梅田の阪急百貨店にバーゲンに行った。そう!2日といえば初日。言うまでもなくすごい混雑振り(--;)  でも下着メーカーの福袋を2個ゲットし、どっちも3000円だったけど1万以上の商品が入ってたので満足〜。他に2着服も買った\(^O^)/
その後、ビルの32階にあるカフェでお茶した。あぁ・・・梅田ってやっぱり都会ね〜 (~v~)。久しぶりに行った。


Umeda,Kita-ku,Osaka City

And,and,and....I went for "Hatsumode"to Atsuta Jingu Shrine on January4th. I tried to paper fortune. It said "Good". Phew.
