Umekichi Journal2005 

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2005/11/28 (月) 12:32:32

That's disgusting!!!!!!!!! What a disaster!!!!!!
I had some food stoofs stolen little while ago in front of "Circle K". Before that,I went to a supermarket and got some food stuffs,beer,fish,natto,banana,bread.....and so on. And then,I stopped at Circle K to buy some things. Then,I usually never leave my things in the basket of my bicycle. Really I never do it!,I was fool enough to do so. I know I was fool. I know it's my fault. But....these were disappeared instantly!
What a jerk!! Who is thief???? Get fucked!! Drop dead!!!
By the way, should I tell about it to a police?? Umm....
Anyway, I hope that the fucking thief eats all my food stuffs at least. Don't waste!

ついさっき、サークルKの前で食材の盗難に遭った。 その前にスーパーでビールや魚、納豆、パン・・・などを買って、それでコンビニに寄った。普段の私は絶対の絶対に自転車のカゴに荷物を置き去りにしないんだけど、愚かにも今日置いたまま店に入った。自分が馬鹿だった…>_<…自分の不注意だ(T.T)ということは分ってます。でも。。。ほんとに一瞬で消えてた(@_@;)。ホントにムカツク〜〜〜!犯人は誰だ?クタバレ〜〜!地獄に落ちろ〜〜!!
とりあえず、ムカツク泥棒が私の食材をせめて全部食べてくれることを願おう! 無駄にするなよ〜〜(ー_ーメ)

2005/11/25 (金) 18:54:02

I have a cold from last weekend,because my parents's house was so cold. It was pretty old wooden house,besides it didn't get some sun. So,summer is good,but winter is terrible for me. I like winter,but I don't like cold room. I don't wanna go to there on new years day. Aren't there some ways I don't need to go to my parents's house??

先週末から風邪をひいてま〜す。実家が寒すぎて! 実家は結構古い木造住宅で、その上、日あたりが悪いので、夏は快適なんだけど冬は恐怖です…>_<… 冬は好きなんだけど寒い部屋は大嫌い!お正月に実家に帰りたくない〜〜〜!帰らなくてもよい方法は何か無いかなぁ〜〜?

2005/11/22 (火) 18:55:52


I went to see yellow and red leaves to Arima,Hyogo Pref.. last Sunday. It was a good time for seeing. I was able to see a lot of beautiful trees,and took a lot of good pictures. I felt great.
By the way,I played tennis for 3 hours today! It was perfect tennis day,besides a friend who is a instructor at tennis club tought us. I had a great time.


2005/11/16 (水) 17:53:25

I went to see my dentist this afternoon. I took a x-ray of my hurts tooth. The result was nothing bad. My teeth and gum is good! At last,I got a mouth inflammation's medicine and got back my house a little while ago.
By the way,I went to see a movie called "Father in love"this early afternoon. Kwon Sangwoo was in it. It was romantic comedy. I was moved just a little. It was...all right.
Anyway,my two mouth inflammations are still hurts.


2005/11/15 (火) 17:53:48

I have two stomatitis now!!! They hurts very much. I don't wanna speak,don't wanna eat. Also,my tooth hurts. So I have dentist's appointment tomorrow.

今、口内炎が2つも出来ている…>_<… かなり痛くてしゃべるのも食べるのも嫌〜〜!その上、歯まで痛くなってきたので、明日歯医者に行くことにした。

2005/11/13 (日) 19:03:21

                     (Photo by Umekichi  November12)

I had Matcha with Japanese cake at tea-ceremony house next to Nishio Castle. I don't know how to the way of tea. I'v never learned it. But I like bitter Matcha.:-)  Unfortunately,the cake was Tsubu-an. I love Koshi-an. Hahaha....

西尾城の隣にあるお茶室で抹茶&和菓子を頂きました。茶道は知りませんσ(^◇^;)習ったこと無いし〜。でも苦い抹茶は大好き。アンラッキーなことに和菓子が粒あんだったけど…>_<… こしあんが好きなんで・・・。

2005/11/11 (金) 18:25:06

I took a lecture about -Asset management of the record low interest rates-at one securities company this afternoon. There were about 60people,looked retirement men mainly. The lecturer was an assistant general manager,looked around 50years old men.
First,he said "It's a practice of investment,so not easy for some people who is biginner." I thought"It's no place for me." But....I was able to enjoy it,because he was good at amusing us with a story. Of course all story were difficult for me,like....."Foreign exchange movements"or something. Finally,he recommended us "deposit in foreign currency",especially Australian dollar and NZ dollar now. Because they both have a lot of resource,so their economy looks very stable for some time in the future.
I got it. I saw it. But all these forecast were in himself way.
Umm....very difficult,but very interesting for me. I had a great time today,too.

今日の午後、とある証券会社にて”超低金利時代の資産運用”についてのセミナーに参加した。60人ぐらいに参加者でほぼ定年退職後(?)と思われるおじさんが多かったf(^ー^; 講師はその証券会社の課長さん。50歳前後の男性。
最初に「このセミナーは実践講座なので、初心者にはちょっと難しい話です」と言われたので「あぁ・・・場違いだ(--;) 」と思ったんだけど、楽しく話してくださったので面白かった。もちろん全ての話が難しかったけど・・・。「外国為替の動き」とか色々(;^_^A アセアセ… そして結局は<外貨預金>特に豪ドルかニュージーランドドルを勧められた。理由は、どちらの国も資源が豊富でこの先も暫く経済が安定しているだろうと思われるからだそうです。

2005/11/10 (木) 17:06:14

                      (Photo by Umekichi November8)

The day befor yesterday, I had Bali cuisine for the first time with my 5 friends at Bali restaurant in Nagoya. The shop stuffs looked from Bali,so maybe it was authentic Bali food. I choose a daily lunch special. There were 6 kind of cuisine. They were pretty good. Especially nasi goreng was tasty.;-)
And, after that,I bought a pair of sneakers what I wanted them. I had a great time,even thought I spent a lot of money.


2005/11/07 (月) 9:08:04

Minako Honda died yesterday. I feel very sorry. Lately,some famous people had a acute mylocytic leukemia,but they got well. Then,I thought that she should get well,too. I'm very sorry......
By the way, there are Kimchi(Korean Pickle),made in Korea in my fridge. Are they OK? No problem?? I'm little scared.


2005/11/04 (金) 16:29:12

                           photo by Umekichi (October30)

It's really autumn,isn't it? I like it. By the way, I was really into Korean TV drama on the net from month before last. I had a crazy and stupid days. I know. There are still a lot of kind of dramas now,but I decided that I never start to see any new drama after this. I wonder if I can do it.......
Today,I bought some New Year's post cards. I have to design it.

ホント〜に秋ですねぇ〜。好きな季節です。 で・・・2ヶ月前からネットで見る韓国ドラマにハマリまくっていまして、すごくクレイジーな日々を過ごしてしまいました。今もなお、たくさんのドラマがありますが今後、新しいのを見始めない!と決心しました。出来るかなぁ〜?σ(^◇^;)     今日は、年賀状を買ったので、またデザインを考えないと。。。