Umekichi Journal2005 

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2005/08/31 (水) 14:47:32

Finally,it was last lesson of my teacher "J" this morning. I really enjoyed his lesson for a year. I wanted to talk a lot of things with him...... Thanks a lot.
By the way,I stopped at JUSCO after lesson. Then,I tried funny things. I tried to stuff kiwi into a small plastic bag. I remember that I'v tried it once before. That time I did it in moderation,so I got 8 kiwis. But this time,I got 10 kiwis barefacedly. Hahaha. They were still hard,so I can't eat soon...


2005/08/29 (月) 15:37:45


I went to "Nabana no Sato"yesterday. There were flower garden and many kind of restaurant and hot springs....and so on. It wasn't season of flower now, so it wasn't crowded. I went to begonia's room. There were a lot of very beautiful and colorful potted begonia in air-conditioned room. I'v never seen such a beautiful begonia garden. Then,I was excited very much,and took many pictures.

By the way,I bought a new big air-conditioner before bon holiday. It works well. I feel comfortable these days. I have a good sleep every nights. is....pretty overcool.


ところで、お盆前に大きなエアコンを買いました。すごくよくてこの頃は快適でよく眠れます。でも・・・・ちょっと冷え過ぎで寒いです( ´−`)

2005/08/24 (水) 18:45:45

I'm still busy. Today,I took a English lesson and my teacher's "Good-bye party".I took his lesson for a year. He is from US and his wife is from Taiwan. Then,she is pregnant,so they are going to move to Taiwan. How beautiful!! I heard that his baby is maybe a girl. So,I suggested to name "Carrie". Isn't it cute name?? I think so. Anyway,I have to say "Good-bye"to him next Wed.. Too sad.

まだなんだか忙しい。今日は英会話行って、それから先生のお別れ会をした。1年間教えてもらったアメリカ人の先生で、奥さんは台湾人。それで奥さんが妊娠したので台湾へ引っ越すらしい。素敵♪ 彼のベイビーはおそらく女の子だと聞いたので”キャリー”っていう名前はどうか提案しておきました。いい名前ですよね(笑)。

2005/08/22 (月) 17:42:35
花火大会 一里野高原

I had a lot of great time for two weeks. I saw some my friends from junior high school and old coworkers. And I stayed at my parents house for four days. And,and...I went to trip to hokuriku area. I will write about them some day.


2005/08/09 (火) 18:25:42

I had a incredible night the other day. I couldn't get to sleep until 5:30am,even though I went to bed 12am. I usuallu can't get sleep so soon. But it was too terrible!! I tossed about in bed again and again. And I tried to divert myself to go to toilet, to have some water...and so on. But they all didn't effect.
I found that newapapers were delivered in my post on the door at 3:20am. It was getting blight outside before 5:00am. And I set to turn the air conditioner off 5 hours later,when I went to bed. Finally it stopped!
At last I went to sleep and got up at 9:20am. Phew.
These days I often had same night. Do I have insomnia?

先日、信じられない夜を過ごした。12時に布団に入ったのに明け方5時半ごろまで眠れなかった。普段から寝つきは悪いけどこれはヒドイ! 何度も何度も寝返り打ったり、トイレ行ったり水飲んだりして気分転換してみたけど効果無し! 朝刊がドアのポストに3時20分に配達されたのも知ってるし・・・5時前には外が明るんで来た。そして寝るときに5時間後に切れるようタイマーをセットしておいたエアコンもついに切れた。 結局、そのあと寝て翌朝(当日かf(^ー^;)9時20分起床。 ふぅ〜〜っ。

2005/08/05 (金) 15:06:56

最悪だ(--;) 。3日に美味しいランチを食べた夜…20時ごろから急にお腹の調子が悪くなり、それから翌日の朝にかけてトイレに駆け込むこと20回ぐらい(;>_<;)。熱も出て、昨日一日中寝ていて、夕方に近所のお医者さんに見てもらった。薬をもらったけど、今朝になってもまだ動く気もしないほどだるかったので、点滴してもらった。そしたらマシになり・・・1.5日ぶりぐらいにおかゆを食べてみた。今のところ、お腹は大丈夫のようだ。でもまだしんどい…>_<… もうゲッソリ。2kg体重が減ったぞ。

2005/08/03 (水) 16:45:59


I went for lunch one Sushi restaurant with 4my classmates after lesson today. There were 6 kind of appetizer,tohu,squash,miso soup and sushi,besides a piece fo melon and coffee. It was 1,500yen! I think pretty reasonable. It goes without saying that,they all were tasty.


2005/08/01 (月) 15:57:08


I went to see the Nagaragawa-river fireworks display to on July30. I'v been there for this 3years running. I always left a car one place and then walked about a hour to river area. I took some drink,food and a folding chair. About 30,000 fireworks were shot off. They were very very very wonderful!!! I enjoyed them very much. I love fireworks.
