Umekichi Journal2005 

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2005/06/30 (木) 14:39:14

I will say"Too hot"everyday. I wanna go to Aichi EXPO again,but maybe it is impossible for me. If I go there on humidity days like today,I will die. So it was good that I went there in spring.
By the way,I like watching a movie,but there is no broadcast of it which I want to see these days. Then,I bought a DVD today. It's called "MINORITY REPORT",Tom Cruise in it. I will see it after this.

毎日「暑すぎる!」言います!( ´−`)。 愛知万博にもう一度行きたいけど無理です。きっとこんな今日のように蒸し暑い日に行ったら死にそうになるわ(×_×;)。春に行っておいてホントに良かったと思います。

2005/06/28 (火) 16:31:53

I'm boiling!! But...I played tennis this morning for 2hours. I enjoyed it as usual. Now,I feel a thirst very much,although I had a lot of water,maybe about 1.5L. I want water more and more!!!
And,I did laundly my crothes after tennis, but they already dried up!!! It took about 2hours! How nice!

暑くて死にそうです…>_<… でも今朝も2時間テニスをしました。楽しかったけどかなり喉が渇いて、1.5リットルぐらい飲んだんじゃないかと思うけどまだまだ足りないぐらいです。

2005/06/27 (月) 16:38:44

It's so hot and humid!!! I can't alive without air conditioner. I hope we have heavy rain! I have low energy,because of this heat and humidity. So,I will lie in the sofa while watching a movie after this.

蒸し暑い〜っ! エアコン無しでは生きられない感じです。大雨でも降ってほしい〜!この蒸し暑さのせいで、なにもやる気が出ません。なので今からソファで寝転んで映画でも見よう・・・

2005/06/24 (金) 16:27:48

Finally,2005 World Champion of NBA is San Antonio Spurs!! Of course I watched the final game on TV this morning. It was exciting very much today,too. The close game went on until last 60seconds. At that time,my favorite player Manu Ginobili hit a shot and got 2points. Then I felt strongly a winner is Spurs. I'm happy now. I'm looking forward to seeing next season. 

ついにサンアントニオ・スパーズが2005年のNBAチャンピオンになりました。もちろん今朝もテレビ見ました。すごく盛り上がったゲームで、最後の60秒ぐらいまで接戦が続きました。その時、私の好きな選手ジノビリが、シュートを決めて2点追加し、これでスパーズの勝ちだろうと私は確信できました。嬉しい〜♪ 次のシーズンも楽しみです。

2005/06/22 (水) 19:09:46


I cooked nigauri dish for dinner last night. It was very easy things.First I hollowed out seeds of nigauri with a spoon. And I kneaded minced pork,and chopped leek,ginger and garlic. Next I choke it up in nigauri. Next,I sliced it 5mm,and dipped it in the egg. Then,I pan-fried them and dipped them in the ponzu sauce.And then ate.
I like it very much. Nigauri is pretty bitter,but no problem for me.


2005/06/21 (火) 17:26:51

I played tennis this morning,too. I felt that I could play better than usual. Why? I have no idea. But I saw a match of Wimbledon tennis on TV last night. Was it be imagery rehearsal?? How nice!

今日も午前中はテニス。いつもより上手くできた気がする。なぜか分からないけど。。。 でも昨夜、ウィンブルドンの試合をテレビで見たのでそれでイメージトレーニングになったのかな?いい感じ。

2005/06/20 (月) 16:15:29

今朝、予定通り下記にも書いたNBAの第5戦目をテレビで見ていました。見ながらついでに撮影もしておきました(笑)。4ゲーム先に取ったほうが優勝になるので、今朝の段階では2−2のイーブンだったのです。なので今日の試合はとっても重要! どっちもすごく頑張ってて、ほとんど点差が無いままゲームは白熱して、終了〜〜!の時点でなんと同点!それで・・・NBAの試合は普通12分×4=48分の試合なのですが、5分の延長戦に突入! 私の応援するスパーズは、ココという時にフリースローが何度も入らなかったりしてすごいハラハラドキドキで、もうダメか!!!????って思ったんだけれど、最後の最後、残り6秒弱っていうところでシュートが決まり1点差で勝ちました\(^O^)/
すごくいい試合だったわ〜〜〜♪ 次の試合は日本時間で水曜の朝ですが、英会話なのでリアルタイムで見れない… サボろうかなぁ?(;^_^A 。スパーズに勝って欲しいんだけど、そうするとそれでもう試合を見れないので困ったなぁ〜ヽ(´・`)ノ

2005/06/17 (金) 19:12:40

It's NBA Finals season just now! Detroit Pistons vs San Antonio Spurs.I saw live of a 4th game this morning on TV. Detroit won. Then,2-2. I hope to win San Antonio. Why?? I like Manu Ginobili. I found he was cool! I heard that he is from Argentine,and He is a star in his countory like a Maradona. Next game is next Mon.. I can't wait!


2005/06/16 (木) 19:20:25

I have a question. Which is strong Lion and Tiger? They never meet each other in nature,right?? If they meet in the jungle, what will happen?? Oh....I know it never happen,but I want to know very much. By the way,Lion is called king of beasts,isn't it? And I often see their hunting on TV. But...maybe I have never seen Tiger did it. What does they eat?? Umm.... Tiger is mysterious for me.


2005/06/13 (月) 16:30:24


It was beautiful sunset yesterday. Western sky was dyed pink. So I took this picture as usual.
By the way,I went to one bakery called "Pain de Couet"to buy baguetto.
This bakery appeared in gourmet proglam on TV the other day. So I got it. It was very good. I like baguetto very much.


2005/06/10 (金) 15:58:19

I had my hair cut after a long time today. It was pretty crowded,so I had to wait almost 2 hours. I always went same hair salon,but there were some new beauticians and apprentices before I know it. The man who cut my hair was always friendly,so we talked a lot while cutting. Now ,I feel my hair style is not good. But always I think so immediately after cut. So, no problem. After a while I will be like it.

今、私は新しいヘアスタイルが気に入らないですf(^ー^; でもいつも切った直後はそう思うけど、暫くすると好きになるので問題ない!

2005/06/08 (水) 18:49:32

I took a breast cancer check the other day. I always did it every half year. The results was always not serious,so I usually didn't care. But this time,I have an unusual pain in my right breast. And then I asked my doctor about it and took an echo as usual. There were no problem,and he said to me "You never need care. Nothing problem! The cancer never lead such a pain." Really??? Can I believe him?? Then,I asked more,"If this pain goes on all year, even so,no problem??" He said "YES!"
I decided to believe him. I'm fine.


2005/06/06 (月) 19:23:41

I went to Higashiyama Zoo,Nagoya yesterday. It was fine and pretty hot day,so crowded. I have been there two years ago. There were a lot of cute animals. I was happy to see them again. After that,I went to one sushi restaurant for late lunch. It was my favorite one. But...when I arrived there, I saw different one. It changed before I know. Then,I ate some sushi at the new one anyway. Umm...they were not good. I'm very disappointed.

昨日は名古屋の東山動物園へ行った。天気良かったし暑かったので混んでいた。ココに行ったのは2度目。 可愛い動物に再会できて幸せでした。で、それから遅い昼食に・・・お気に入りのお寿司屋さんに行ったんだけど、着いてみたら別の寿司屋にいつの間にか変わってた!とりあえずそこで食べてみたんだけどイマイチでした(T.T)。すごいガッカリ。。。

2005/06/02 (木) 18:50:00

It was rainy day today,so I didn't go out whole day. And I took a nap for two hours. Lately I always sleepy. Is there something wrong with me??
