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2005/03/28 (月) 15:02:06
エンドウジ商店街    名古屋城 
The other day,I went to downtowun of Nagoya. This photo of left is Endoji-Temple arcade. There were many kind of handmade Morizo&Kikkoro. They were funny and cute very much. And right is Nagoya castle.
Can you see?? Yeah,there weren't Golden Shachihoko. They are on a trip now,so looked lonely.

先日、名古屋の下町へ行った。左の写真は円頓寺商店街で、色んな種類の手作りモリゾー&キッコロが居ました。面白かった。 右側は名古屋城です。わかります?そう!金の鯱が無い!!今旅行中なんですねぇ〜。ちょっと寂しげでした。

2005/03/25 (金) 18:03:09

I had an Itarian for lunch with my friend yesterday,too. The restaurant was all -you-can eat buffet,so I had too much again. There were many kind of pasta,pizza,soup,salad,sweets and drink,so I couldn't help eating them. Now,I feel that I'm getting fat day by day!! Oh,NO!! But,I saw her for the first time in a year,so I had a great time. After lunch,we did shopping,and I got a skirt for spring. I can't wait to wear it and go somewhere.
By the way,it's very cold today. I saw that my town had little snow. Maybe it was last snow in this season.
April is just around the corner.
And ,and...."EXPO 2005 Aichi"kicked off today! There are a lot of TV proglams about it these days. They seemed very interesting. I'd like to go to there before become warm.

昨日も友達と2人でイタリアンのレストランでランチしました。バイキング形式なのでまた食べすぎ.た…>_<… すごく多くの種類のパスタ・ピザ・スープ・サラダ・デザートにドリンクもあって、食べずに我慢できませんでした(×_×;)。最近、日に日に太っていくのを感じています(--;) 。 だけど1年ぶりに会った友達と一緒だったので、すごく楽しかった♪ランチの後、ショッピングもして、春モノのスカートをゲットしました。早くどこかに着て行きたいわ〜。
ところで、今日はかなり寒い…>_<… 雪もちょっと降ってたし・・・。でも多分この季節最後の雪かも?もうすぐ4月だし〜〜〜〜。
そうそう!今日は「愛知万博」が始まった! この頃、万博の特集しているテレビ番組もかなり多く、すごく興味深いので早く行きたい!暑くなる前にf(^ー^;

2005/03/23 (水) 16:30:25

I had "Good-bye Party" of my classmate at an Itarian restaurant today. I had a lot of tasty foods,so I'm full now. I'm happy! But....she will move to a distant location soon. It's so sad. I hope to see her again sometime.

今日はイタリアンのレストランでクラスメイトさんの送別会でした。 たくさん食べて満足〜。だけど彼女はすぐに遠くへ引っ越してしまいます…>_<… また会えますように!

2005/03/22 (火) 17:10:38

I went to somewhere this three-day weekend. On Sunday,I went to "Showa Villege of Japan",on Monday,I went for walk around a downtown of Nagoya. Besides I had some tasty foods. I will update them soon.

この3連休、色んなところへ行った。日曜は日本昭和村、月曜は名古屋の下町を散策… 美味しいものも食べた〜。そのうちアップします。

2005/03/18 (金) 17:43:13

名古屋・栄の観覧車 大須観音の骨董市 栗子焼き

I went to Sakae and Osu in Nagoya with my friend today. Osu-Kannon has an antique market every month's 18th and 28th. My friend got something at there. After that we had lunch and walked to Sakae. I wanted to buy new sneakers what I saw them on a magazine,but there weren't them the store at Osu. So I went to another one at Sakae. Finally,I found and bought them. I was thinking that I was going to buy light pink,but the shop stuff and my friend recommend me white. So,I decided white. It's pretty good.

今日は名古屋の栄&大須に友達と行った。 大須観音では毎月18日と28日に骨董市が開かれている。友達は色々買い物をし、それからランチそして歩いて栄へ行った。雑誌で見たスニーカーを買いたかったのですが大須の店に無かったので、栄の店舗まで行ったのです。ついに見つけて買ったのですが、最初は薄いピンクを買うつもりだったんだけど、店員さんも友達も白を薦めるので、そっちに決めました。なかなかグーです♪

2005/03/17 (木) 18:57:30

This early morning,I saw wonderful dream.
I went to Toronto alone. And I could speak English,enjoy shopping and something. I don't know why,but I don't have a camera. So I bought it and took some pictures.And I run into some friends of Japanese from high school. Why did she appeare in my dream?? I have never seen her over 10years. Very funny. But....the trip was a day trip. I had to get back to Japan soon. Besides,nobady knew what I went to Tronto.So I was worried about I had to call to my family or not,and I had to get an air ticket. But I couldn't arrive an airport to the end of time..... I suffered very much. And then,I heard the alarm go off.
I hope it will be prophetic dream!!

1人でトロントに行っていて、英語を話して買い物とかを楽しんでいるんです。なぜかカメラを持っていなかったので1つ買って、写真を何枚か撮って、高校の時の友達にも会いました。10年以上会って無い友達なのになぜ夢に出て来たんだろう?面白い♪ しかし…その旅は日帰り旅行だったんです…>_<… すぐに日本に帰らないとダメだし、しかも私は誰にも言わずにトロントへ行ってて、電話しないとダメかな?しなくていいかな?航空券を買わなくちゃ!とすっと心配していて、その上、いつまでも空港にたどり着けない!! すごく苦しんで居た時・・・目覚まし時計がが鳴りました。 

2005/03/17 (木) 9:41:07

I went for dinner at Ryukyu style restaurant next to my town yesterday. I like stir-fried Goya before,but I have never had another Ryukyu dishes. Then,I orderd some ear and hand of pork and Okinawa-soba...etc.
Okinawa-soba,and Goya were very good for me. But,others were not good. Pretty strange


2005/03/15 (火) 17:13:57

I played tennis this morning!! I was happy. There were 3people,so first, we practiced for a hour,after that played sngles game for a hour. I got enough exercise,and they were very comfortable. There were a girl team of a high school,played next to our court. They were very powerful and looked fun,and they were very young!!(><) I envy them.
By the way,spring is the season of job transfer,isn't it? My three friends have to move somewhere,I heard.
From Saitma to Osaka, from Osaka to Okayama, and Mie to Ibaragi. Sometimes I like move to somewhere,sometimes I don't like move to somewhere.

今日はテニスできて幸せでした。 3人だったので最初の1時間は練習で後半1時間はシングルスの試合をしました。適度な運動になって心地よかったです。隣のコートで女子高生のテニス部が練習してて、すごくパワフルだし楽しそうで若いっていいなぁ〜〜って思いました。

2005/03/10 (木) 9:42:15

I went to golf practicing at driving range yesterday's afternoon after a long time. I couldn't play tennis this Tue.,because many our members have a cold or a hey fever. So I wanted to do exercize,so I enjoyed it very much. I used about 60 balls. I'm not good at playing golf,too,but I like it.
OH! I don't have specialty,do I??? Am I boring woman?


2005/03/07 (月) 19:06:20

I made some cookies this afrenoon. I'm really not good at making any sweets. Their looks were not bad,but taste were not good. I guess I was born without sense of cooking something. Very bad.

2005/03/06 (日) 17:49:50

I feel annoyed with a woman who is stuff of fish shop.
This morning I went to in-store fish shop. I wanted to buy some fillet horse mackerels,but there wasn't it. Of course there were a lot of packed horse mackerels. One of them,5horse mackerels for 250yen from Wakayama. And another one,3horse mackerels for 350yen from Toyama. They seemed not different,same size for me. Then,I asked a shop stuff"Don't you have any fillet horse mackerels,today?". She said "Umm....we will cut a fish,if you choose big one." And she brought a packed 350yen's it to kitchen. Why did she choose it?? I have no idea. But,when I was waiting in there,another customer asked same things for another shop stuff. She got it. Oh,God! It's not my day. I'm going to cook fried horse mackerel for dinner,but there are only 3 them. Feel just not good enough.

今朝魚屋さんへ行きました。おろしたアジが欲しかったんだけど無かったんです。もちろんそのままのアジはパックされてたくさん置いてありました。和歌山産のが5尾250円、富山産のが3尾350円。私にはどっちも同じに見えたし大きさも同じでした。 それで「今日はおろしたアジは無いんですか?」って店員さんに聞いたら「大きいのだったらできますけど」って答えて、350円の方のパックを調理場へ持っていきました。どっちの値段のも同じ大きさなのになんでそっち?? それでおろしてもらうのを待っていたら、別のお客さんが同じことを別の店員さんに頼んでいて、簡単にOKしてもらっていました(メ-_-)。なんかついて無い日でした。。。夕飯にアジのフライをするつもりだけど、3尾だけでなんか物足りない感じ〜。

2005/03/03 (木) 16:44:23

Lately I'm pretty busy,so I'm tired.
Last Saturday,I went to Peninsula Chita, I took a hot springs and ate special lunch at a Japanese Ryokan. There were a club,Chita-beef,boiled fish,a few kind of Sashimi and so on.Besides I could see a lot of air plane to go down to Centrair through the window of buthtub. I had a good day time. It was a day trip.
That night,I heard that my mom was taken to a hospital by ambulance. She has a Myocardial infarction. Then I went to my hometown right away. Fortunately she was taken care sooner,so it wasn't seriously. Maybe she will leave there soon. Phew! I think....everyone think that my mom is too hevyset,and she has to lose her waight,or she will be hevy sick. I really hope so.
Now,I 'm a touch of a cold.

その夜、お母さんが心筋梗塞になり救急車で病院に運ばれたと聞きました。それですぐ実家へ帰りました。幸いにも処置が早かったので軽くて済んだようでもうすぐ退院できるようです。ふぅ〜っ。誰が見てもお母さんは太りすぎです( ´−`)。減量しないともっと病気になるでしょう・・・。絶対!