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2004/08/31 (火) 15:13:04

It's end of August today,isn't it? Time fries.
By the way, the typhoon No16 was so terrible, wasn't it? It was the most hardest rainstorm in this summer,I felt. I called my parents house last night. They live in Hyogo pref.. I tried a few times,but anyone got it. I wondered if they did evacuate somewhere?? Umm... Finally,this morning I was able to talk with them, mom said "There was a blackout in my town for a pretty long time." I got it.
Today, I went to supermarket this morning, and I got 10kiwis! I love kiwi, especially from New Zealand. Today, we could put kiwi into a bag as much as possible. So I tried and got them. It was funny! I choose pretty hard things, because I will not eat them right away.

台風16号は恐ろしかったですね…>_<… この夏一番の暴風雨だったと思います。 兵庫に住む両親に夜電話したのですが何度かかけても誰も出ませんでした。どこかに避難してるのかな?と思ったけど、今朝繋がって、お母さんが「長い時間停電してた」と言ってました。なるほど・・・。
今日は、スーパーでキウィを10個買いました。ニュージーランド産のキウィが大好きです。今日は用意された袋に詰め放題できたので挑戦しました。面白かった♪ あまりすぐに全部食べないので固いのを選びました〜。

2004/08/25 (水) 16:02:07

Recently, I often search some recipe on the net. It is pretty interesting. I made a "Curry bread" the other day. I cut a horse mackerel, a boiled egg and bean-starch vermicelli into small peases, and season with curry and mayonnaise. Then, put them on a sandwich loaf and bend it double. After that fried it.
It was pretty tasty. I like it very much. But maybe very high calorie.
Here is the picture.


最近、よくネットでレシピを探していますが、結構面白いです。 この前は、カレーパンを作りました。鰺とゆで卵、春雨を細かく切ってカレーとマヨネーズで味付けしてサンドイッチ用のパンに乗せ、2つ折にして揚げます。 なかなか美味しかったし、私好みの味でした。でも・・かなりカロリーが高そう!?

2004/08/24 (火) 14:54:21

I defraged my hard drive yesterday. It took about 12hours! Unbelievable! I will try to do it more often.

昨日パソコンのドライブをデフラグした。12時間ほどかかった(-.-;)y-゜゜ シンジラレナイ〜〜! もっと頻繁に実行しようと思う。

2004/08/22 (日) 16:15:51

花火大会  遊園地の夜景

I went and saw fireworks show yesterday. It was the firs time for me in this summer. Really beautiful. I often tried to take some picture of fireworks,but it's always too hard. I want a camera tripod.
In fact, I went to see one fireworks show at Nagara river in early August. That time, I was really looking forward to seeing it, and I arrived there, over 2hours before the show started. But the wether was getting bad, finally I had a heavy thunderstorm, and got wet very much. Besides the show was postponed until the following day. Too bad. So yesterday was very happy for me.

昨日は、この夏初めて花火を見に行きました。 すごい綺麗でした\(^^@)/ よく花火の写真を撮っていますがとても難しい。三脚が欲しいです!

2004/08/20 (金) 12:29:51

Long time no see. The Bon holiday passed. I did many things. I saw my friend and we went to Karaoke for two and half hours. We love Karaoke very much. My most specialty song is "Beside you", it's the song of BoA.
And, I stayed my parents house with my sister's family. Every time I see my nephews, they grow up. So cute.
And, and...I went for drive and took a day-hot springs twice. They were at Nagano pref. and Mie pref., both were pretty good. I felt relax.
I will update some pictures soon.

久しぶりです。 お盆も過ぎましたね〜。 いろんなことをしてました。 友達に会って2時間半もカラオケしました。 カラオケ大好きです。私の一番得意な曲はBoAの「Beside you」です。
それから・・・ドライブ&日帰り温泉にも2回行きました。 長野県と三重県です。どちらもなかなか良い温泉でした\(^O^)/ リラックスできました。

2004/08/06 (金) 15:32:55

Bon holiday is just around the corner. I will go to my hometown. So I will not able to up date this diary for a while. I'm going to meet my friend, my sister's family and so on. It will be fun. Enjoy your holiday!

もうすぐお盆休みですね。 実家へ帰る予定なので、暫くサイトの更新も休みまぁ〜す。 友達と会ったり親戚と会ったり・・・楽しみです。 皆さんも、楽しんでくださいね(^o^)/~~

2004/08/04 (水) 15:49:48

I saw a new English teacher who is from Tasmania. I was not able to understand his talking. Was it because of Oz accent?? I don't know. Can I get used to it soon? Hmm.....
But I'm interested in Oz very much, so I'd like to ask him many things. It will be fun.
By the way, I got third round of summer weariness. So I will take a nap after this.

今日はタスマニア出身の新しい先生と会った。 話がよくわからなかった。 オーストラリア人のアクセントだからか?それは知らないけど、 すぐに慣れるかなぁ??