
日記トップ HOMEへ

2004/07/29 (木) 18:51:40

One my English classmate is going to study abroad to UK soon. She is housewife, two doughter's mother. Her doughters both got married and living in foreign country(maybe Oz and US). She is cheerful and friendly besides active woman! I like her life style. I envy her.
I think that she is a good wife, good mom for years after she got married. So her husband agreed what she want to do. How nice couple.  Anyway, go for it. I'm looking forward to hear your experience.

英会話のクラスメイトさんが1人、もうすぐ英国へ留学されます。 彼女は主婦で2人の娘の母親。 娘さんたちは結婚して海外在住(多分、オーストラリアとアメリカ)。 彼女はとても気さくで行動派な女性です。彼女のライフスタイルがステキだと思います。 彼女は結婚してから良き妻、良き母親であったので旦那さんも彼女のしたいことを認めていらっしゃるのだろうなぁ〜と思います。ステキなご夫婦♪ とにかく頑張ってください。お土産話楽しみにしています。。。

2004/07/26 (月) 15:17:25


Finally, I ate a strawberry cake today. It was really good. In fact,at first,I had a doubt that this cake shop is not good, because I have ate a cheese cake of this shop befor and it was not tasty. It was not cheese flavor even though it called "Cheese cake". Too bad.
But this strawberry one was very good! Maybe I will got this one again.

ついに今日イチゴケーキを食べました。 本当に美味しかった\(^O^)/ 実は最初はこのお店はイマイチなんじゃないかな?と疑ってました。だって前にチーズケーキを食べたんだけど、<チーズケーキ>という名前のくせにチーズの味がしなかったんだもん(‐_‐)。でもこのイチゴショートは本当にグーでした。また買ってしまうわ、きっと。

2004/07/23 (金) 21:22:44

I ate mulukhiya for the first time in my life. I lightly boiled them and ate with a Japanese taste dressing. It was sticky, but pretty tasty. I like it. I serched about mulukhiya on the net, so it is more rich with nutrients than spinach. Wow.

生まれて初めて”モロヘイヤ”を食べた。 軽くゆでてお浸しにして食べた。 ネバネバしてたけど結構美味しかった。気に入りました〜。 モロヘイヤについてネットで調べたら、ほうれん草よりも栄養価が高いみたい。へぇ〜〜。

2004/07/20 (火) 17:20:31

I ate a "coffee jelly" with hot coffee this tea time. They were pretty good!! But, to tell the truth, I'd like to eat a short cake of strawberry. But there isn't good cake shop near my house. Too sad. I want to eat!!!!

今日のティータイムにはホットコーヒーとコーヒーゼリーを食べました。 美味しかったわ〜♪ でも本当は苺のショートケーキが食べたいんです! でも近所に美味しいケーキ屋さんがありません。悲しい・・・(T.T)。食べたいのに〜〜〜!

2004/07/16 (金) 15:57:21


It's very hot and humid today,too. Although,I visited to my friend's house with another seven friends. And one friend were teaching us to make a petit cute key chain, we all tried it. I'm inept at such a thing, but I could. This is my works. They look pretty good, I think. How did you feel?
By the way, I got a very sad news. One English teacher will move to a new place,so he can't teach me any more. Too sad. But I think that there are many separations, if there are many encounters in our life. Anyway I have last two his classes, so I have to try my best! That's all.

蒸し暑い・・・今日も(‐_‐)。。。 そんな中、7人で友達の家を訪ね、プチキーホルダーの作り方を教わりました。私はこういうの不器用で苦手だけど、なんとか出来ました\(^O^)/ 写真は私の作品です。結構イケテルでしょ?そう思いませんか〜?
それから、悲しいことを聞きました。 英会話の先生が1人、引越しするためもう教えてもらえないことになりました。すごく悲しい(T.T)。でも、人生、出会いがたくさんあれば別れもたくさんありますよね。。。とにかく後2回の彼の授業、出来る限り頑張るのみです。

2004/07/13 (火) 14:49:51

樽見鉄道・旧谷汲駅  華厳寺(岐阜県)  かいだんめぐり 

I went to Kegon Temple and Usuzumi hot springs in Gifu on Saturday. That morning was heavy rain and so cool. So I felt very comfortable.
Kegon Temple was near the Old Tanigumi station of Tarumi railway. And there was a real black tunnel called "Kaidan-meguri"that we can walk in. I heard that if I can go through it, I will get happy. So I tried it.There wasn't a light to be seen. Really black! Very scary! But I could.
After that, I stopped at Uszumi hot springs. There were some kind of bathtubs and there wasn't a lot of people. So I had relax very much.


2004/07/09 (金) 16:34:26


I baked bread today again! Was I getting better it than first time? ?
At the first time, the breads were pretty heavy. I felt that was failure. But, today's them are pretty soft and light! I putted walnuts and squash(pumpkin) seeds in them. I like it.

今日またパンを焼いてみた。 最初より良い感じじゃない?? 
最初の時は、なんだか重たい感じのパンで、失敗だなぁ〜(--;) って思ってたけど、今日のはソフトで軽いです\(^O^)/ 大好きなクルミとカボチャの種を入れてみました。

2004/07/07 (水) 16:34:53

It's too hot and humid to write my diary, because there isn't air conditioner in my PC room. Sorry, I want to move to cool room right now.

PCの部屋にエアコンが無いので、暑すぎて日記を書けません〜! 涼しい部屋へ行くので、これで終り。

2004/07/04 (日) 17:28:36

I went to "SANAGE Adventure field" yesterday. It was established as the formost 4-wheel drive technical off-road driving course in Japan. We can try the course by my own car or rental car. We can experience all of 4WD performance there. Thera were a hillcliming, charge hill, snake down, large climb, road with water and so on. They were pretty dangerous but I was excited very much. Oh! Of course I sat on the passenger seat only. Sometime I want to drive it.
I updated about this place today, please see my site.

<さなげアドベンチャーフィールド>に行きました。 日本トップレベルのテクニカルな四駆専用オフロードコースを楽しめる場所で、自分の車かレンタルする車でトライできます。四駆の全ての性能を体験できるコースで、突撃坂・スネークダウン・大登り・水場・・・などなどありました。ちょっと危険だけどすごくワクワクしました。あ!もちろん私は助手席に座っていただけですけど・・・σ(^◇^;)いつか運転もしてみたいなぁ〜。この場所についてサイトにアップしたので見てくださいね。

2004/07/02 (金) 9:42:51

Lately, I'm watching Wimbledon tennis game on TV.. It's very exciting! The other day, Ai Sugiyama was defeated by Sharapova. Sharapova is 17years old, from Russian Federation, 184cm tall and so lovely. I cheer for her. She won by Davenport yesterday! Wow! She made it to the semifinal game. I can't wait next one.
I wanted to play tennis when I watched the game, but I desided I don't play it untill Autumn because of hot and humid summer. Too bad. I wish Autumn to come early

この頃、テレビでウィンブルドンの試合観戦をしています。 とてもエキサイティングです。 先日、杉山愛選手はシャラポワに負けました。 シャラポワは17歳のロシア人で身長が184cmもあるとても美人選手♪ 彼女を応援してます。 昨日は彼女がダベンポートに勝って準決勝に進みました。 次の試合も楽しみだわ〜。
試合を見ていると、テニスがしたくなりました。でもあまりにも暑いので秋までしないと決心しました。あぁ〜あ。 早く秋になって欲しい!