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2004/06/29 (火) 16:24:59

I played tennis today. It's very hot and humid day,isn't it? So I'm very tired now. Maybe, I don't play tennis more untill September.
Well....lately I watch a rerun of TV drama series called "Kamisama Mosukoshidake". I have watched this at that time, maybe 6 or 7years ago. It appeared Kyoko Fukada and Takeshi Kaneshiro. One girl who is high school student have a HIV infection. And she get picked on school by all friends. I feel very sorry to her. I 'm looking forward to next story.

テニスしました。かなり蒸し暑かったので疲れた…>_<… 多分もう9月までテニスはしません。
それから、最近テレビドラマ「神様もう少しだけ」の再放送を見ています。放送当時の6〜7年前に見てたのですが。 深田恭子と金城武が出てるドラマです。1人の女子高生がHIVに感染して、学校で友達全員からイジメられています・・・。可哀想(T.T)。 続き・・・見逃せません。

2004/06/27 (日) 17:09:05

I went to Denden-town Nihonbashi in Osaka. It's a electronics town, like Akihabara. There were a lot of electronics store and shoppers!
I went to one ristrante near Nihonbashi. It was good atmosphere,but basil paste pasta was not good. They were cooked al dente. I felt too hard. Is that right?

大阪・日本橋のデンデンタウンへ行ってきました。 電器店街で東京の秋葉原みたいなところです。 たくさんの電器店&買い物客でした。

2004/06/24 (木) 15:00:08

I was absent an English class yesterday. I didn't want to do anything untill yesterday. Maybe I got tired because of this hot and humid season. But I feel not bad today.
So I did window and screan door cleaning with dish soap. They looks pretty clean now! I'll try to wash them more often. I feel great! Oh, before that, I did the laundry. The loundry machine stopped, I took the loundry out, then I was surprised. What's happening??? There were a lot of paper waste. Oh,No! I was forgot that I put a memo in my apron pocket! I 'm stupid. Whew.....

昨日は英会話を休んだ。昨日まで何もしたくない気分だったから。 多分夏バテしてます。。。でも今日はマシ。
で、今日は窓&網戸を食器用洗剤で洗いました。今すごく綺麗です。もっと頻繁に洗ったほうがいいかもね。気持ちよくなりました。 あっ\(◎o◎)/!!その前に、今朝洗濯をしました。洗濯機が止まって、洗濯物を取り出したらビックリ!! え??何?? 大量の紙くずが…>_<… あ〜!エプロンのポケットにメモを入れたのを忘れてました!私ってマヌケ〜〜。

2004/06/21 (月) 17:09:45

What was powerful typhoon!! Are you all right?
My windows all are dirty now. Too bad. I have to wipe them from now.

すごい台風でした。 みなさん大丈夫ですか?

2004/06/20 (日) 19:01:13

I feel sick from last Wed.. I have no appetite. I wonder if I had something spoiled stuffs? I have no idea. I didn't eat usual meal during this 5 days! So I have lost weight. But I will eat dinner as much as I can today, so I will get fat soon. It's No problem! "There's nothing more valuable than good health", I think.
By the way, I was really in to basketball game of NBA the finals a week before. Detroit Pistons got a championship. They were really good defense team! I enjoyed all games.

この前の水曜日から体調が悪いんです(--;)  食欲が無くて。何か悪いものでも食べたのかなぁ?分りません。 この5日間普通の食事を食べてません〜。そうしたら体重が減ってきました。でも今夜から頑張って食べようかな?と思うのですぐ太ると思います(笑)。でも問題無い!”健康第一”だと思います!

2004/06/15 (火) 18:10:00

I played tennis this morning. It was sunny day, so I felt good. But I'm little tired now.
And this early evening I went shopping near my house, I got a skin whitener. There are one shop staff who is always rude. I don't want to buy something from her. But I bought one today. And she was rude today,too!! I felt bad. I feel that hospitality industry is not easy, so I can never do it.

それから夕方近くに買い物に行きました。美白化粧品を買ったんだけど、お店に1人感じ悪い店員さんが居るんです…>_<… その人からは買いたく無いんだけど、今日は買ってしまった・・・。やっぱり今日も感じ悪かった(‐_‐)。 接客業って難しいですよね。私には絶対できないと思います。

2004/06/14 (月) 16:51:56

There are many kind of music and music instrument in the world. But I didn't know where were they from. Then, they are appeared my atlas.
*Gospel and Salsa are from New York
*Coutry music is from Nashville
*Blues is from Memphis
*Jazz is from New Orleans
*Reggae is from Kingston(Jamaica)
*Samba and Bossa nova are from Rio de Janeiro
*Tango is from Argentina
*Flamenco is from Andalucia (Spain)
*Forklore is from La Paz (Bolivia)
*Piano was made first in Firenze (Italy)
*Violin was made first in Cremona (Italy)
Violin was made by Stradivali. It is hardly improved for 300years. They say the Violin is already completed those days.
I see. Sounds great!!!


2004/06/12 (土) 17:19:34

I got a insect deterrent spray at one drug store near my house. After that I went to one super market, there were same one and 100 yen cheaper than drug store. Oh,No!! Too bad.


2004/06/10 (木) 16:26:56

  花菖蒲園 菖蒲の花♪  
  花菖蒲園のお地蔵さま♪ 花菖蒲園

Last week, I went to "Iris Garden" at Yamasaki town, Hyogo pref. There were a loy of Iris, but it was very hot that day, so some of them welked away. I do not so like a flower, but I thought they were cute!
By the way, I have a problem with my website. Sometimes I couldn't see only top page. Just now,too. And I couldn't update a little while ago. Why?? I have no idea. I can't complain....
Anyway, I try it again right away.

先週、兵庫県の山崎町にある花菖蒲園に行きました。たくさんの菖蒲があったけど、その日スゴク暑かったので少ししおれている花もありました。 あまり花が好きでは無いんだけどf(^ー^;すごく綺麗でしたよ〜。
それから、私のこのウェブサイトに問題があるみたいで、時々表紙のページだけ見れないんです、今もまさにそう!それでつい先ほど、アップも出来なかったんです。何で??分らない…>_<… しょうがないのでとりあえずもう一度挑戦してみます。

2004/06/08 (火) 16:05:10

ツマガリのナポレオン&ホットコーヒー     ボウリング場

I went to Tsumagari's head shop at Koyoen, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo with my friend. "Tsumagari" is my favorite cake shop. There are few shop in a department store at Kobe and Osaka, but we can get fresh cakes only head shop. Untill now,I didn't have any chance I went to there. Finally I tried it. I felt happy. I ate a cake called "Napoleon", it was very tasty besides not expensive. How wonderful.
After that, I played bowring three games. My score was all over 100, even though it was for the first time in 10years. Maybe I will play it next time.

兵庫県西宮市甲陽園にあるツマガリの本店へ友達と行ってきました。 <ツマガリ>は私のお気に入りの洋菓子店で、神戸と大阪のデパートに数箇所出店していますが生菓子を売っているのは、本店だけです。今まで機会が無くて行けなかったのですがついに行ってきました。幸せ〜♪ ナポレオンというケーキを食べたんだけど、すっごく美味しくて、しかも高く無いお値段♪素晴らしいわ〜! その後、ボーリングを3ゲームしました。私のスコアは10年ぶりにもかかわらず3ゲームとも100以上でした\(^O^)/

2004/06/07 (月) 18:58:49

あじさい  あじさい  

It's hydrangea. I took pictures at my parents garden. It was so beautiful. I like them. I used to take them to school when I was elementary school student. It was a long time ago.
