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2004/04/30 (金) 14:21:56

The day before yesterday, I got bamboo shoot boiled rice from one classmate. She gave it all of us. Of course it was very tasty! Thank you very much. Anyway, all my classmates are good cook. I envy them. I'd like to cook something and give their, but I can not cook nothing.....
By the way, it is the end of April. I guess many people have five-day weekend from tomorrow. I dont have any plans. It's bouring.

一昨日、クラスメイトさんから<タケノコご飯>をいただきました。全員にくれたのです〜。もちろんすごく美味しかったです\(^^@)/ ありがとうございました〜。 それにしても皆さんクッキングが上手で羨ましいです。 私も何か手作りのものを持って行きたいけど何もうまく作れません・・・。

2004/04/27 (火) 20:55:04

It was rainy all day,so I couldn't play tennis today,too! Maybe next week,too.... Oh,No!! I'd like to play tennis more and more!
By the way, I'm not interested in all TV program in Japan these days. They are bouring to me.
My favorite programs are "Roswell" and any movie. But "Roswell" will be finished this Friday night. I'm very sad.....
But,recently I found one funny dorama series. Its "The Lone Ganmen" from US. It appeare three newspaper reporters, another one man and one attractive woman. They are solved one business every time. They are midle age, never coll, but very funny. I like this series.

でも、最近1つ面白い連ドラを発見しました。「ローン・ガンメン」というアメリカのドラマで、3人の新聞記者と1人の男性と、魅力的な女性が登場して毎回事件を解決します。 中年オヤジ(笑)で決してかっこよくないけど、面白いから好きです〜。

2004/04/26 (月) 14:56:17

When I creaned up my house, I got a thorn in my right finger a little while ago!! I tryed to pluck it again and again, but I couldn't, Umm.... Too bad. What should I do??? Help me!

ついさっき、掃除をしていたら右手の指にトゲが刺さった!何度も抜こうとしたけど抜けない。困った(--;) どうしたらいいの〜〜??助けてぇ〜!

2004/04/20 (火) 15:17:56

アフリカ マナティー君
I went to Toba and its vicinity this weekend. The most fun place for me is "Toba Aquarium".  There are a lot of unusual animals and fishes. I like them, especially "AFRICA MANATEE". I saw him(?) for the first time. I heard that we can see him only there all of the world's Aquarium. Really?? I'm not sure....
I was surprised that they usually keep stay at Rio Amazonas's channel, and vent once in five to ten minutes because need to breathe.
They are so Big! But pretty cute!! I like them very much.
Other things, I went to Daiohzaki Lighthouse, Kashikojima, Futamigaura and Ise Shrine.
The weather was so good and I enjoyed everything.

週末、鳥羽周辺へ行ってきました。 一番楽しかったのは鳥羽水族館です。珍しい動物や魚がいっぱい居て、中でも私は初めて見たアフリカマナティーが一番お気に入りです。 世界中の水族館でアフリカマナティーに会えるのはココだけだと聞きました。ホントかな?
驚いたことに、彼らは普段、アマゾン川の川底でジッとしていて、5〜10分置きに、呼吸するために海面に上がるそうです。すっごく大きかったけど、すっごく可愛い♪ 大好きです。

2004/04/15 (木) 15:20:17

The other day, I got a atlas of the world. There appeared describe map fully. Besides a lot of things, about Sports,Culture,Politics&Military,Industry&Economy...etc.
These are very interesting for me. When I hear about happening in the world, I will serch that place. Recently I serced IRAQ. The area is little larger than JAPAN. There are some Desert, some lake, a lot of area of outstanding natural beauty.....hmm...

By the way, there appear about blood type distribution. How interesting!!
Japanese have a balanced four type; A -38%, B-22%, O-31%,AB-9%.
American; A-41%, B-10%, O-45%, AB-4%.
Canadian; A-45%,B-10%, O-41%, AB-4%
French; A-44%, B-9%, O-43%, AB-4%
I guess there are very similar. But I found amazingly area. It is Central and South America. They almost are O type!! For example....
Republic of Bolivia: A-5%, B-2%, O-93% (Oh! Nobady AB?)
Guatemala ; A-3%, B-2% , O-95%
Mexican ; A-11%, B-4%, O-84%, AB-1%

There are other interesting things in it. Sometimes I will write here aout it.

先日、世界地図帳を買いました。結構詳しい地図が載っていて、その上、世界のスポーツ、カルチャー、政治&軍事、産業&経済などについても載っていて、すごく興味深いです。 世界で何か事件が起きたとき、その場所を調べます。。。最近ではイラクを調べてみました。面積は日本より少し広いのか・・・。砂漠がいくつかあって、湖もあって・・・自然名勝が結構たくさんあるようです。ふぅ〜〜ん。
日本人は、バランスよく4つのタイプの血液型の人がいるようです。A型 38%、B型22%、O型31%、AB型9%
アメリカ人は A型41%、B型10%、O型45%、AB型4%


2004/04/12 (月) 16:17:33

I took one story telling this weekend. The speaker is from NY. He is my English teacher! There ware about 30 audiences. He told to us about September the 11th. That time he was working at Long Island. Fortunately his family and friends were all right. But I felt too sad when I heard about unbelievable situation....We got some prints that appeared a lot of disaster victim's comment. The text was too difficult for me, but I looked up many words and phrases, and I could understand little by little. And I felt more sad.....

週末、ニューヨーク出身の人のトークを聞きに行った。 彼は私の英語の先生ですけどね。 30人ぐらいの聴衆の中、9月11日のテロについて話してくれました。 彼は当時ロングアイランドで働いていたそうです。幸いにも彼の家族、友人は無事だったようです。でも、信じられない状況について聞いてすごく悲しくなった。この事件の被害者の話しが載っているプリントをもらいました。難しい文章だけど、辞書で調べながら読んでいくと、少しずつ理解できて・・・もっと悲しくなりました・・・。

2004/04/08 (木) 17:43:27

Recently my favorite actor is Ethan Hawke from US. The other day I watched some movie on TV . He was in it. I never knew his profile. So, I serched on the net. There were a lot of things about him. Umm... He was born 1970. His parents divorced when he was 3years old. And......Oh,NO!! His wife is....Uma Thurman. That's shock!! (><) They were paired together in the "GATTAKA". I know the movie without a daubt. It was very interesting story..... After that they got married.
By the way, I know a few things about famous actor's couple. What kind of couple will be in the world? It's interesting! I'd like to know about it more.

最近の私のお気に入り俳優は、イーサン・ホークです。先日彼の出演映画を数本テレビで見ました。彼のプロフィールを全く知らなかったからネットで調査してみたら、たくさん載っていました。ふむふむ。。。1970年生まれで、3歳の時に両親が離婚・・・。それから・・・エ〜〜〜ッッ!!彼の奥さんは、ユマ・サーマン!?ショックです!! 2人は「ガタカ」という映画で共演してました。すごく面白い映画だったんだけど・・・その後結婚したそうです。(T.T)。

2004/04/07 (水) 15:09:38

I took a English class today. Today's issue was "Presentation". We all talked about one subject. About Gardening, Making a bag, My son.....etc. I talked about taking a picture. I thought it was not bad.
Then, two my classmate talked about Making a bread. And they gave us thair hand made bread. Wow! How fantastic!! This photo was a cinnamon bread and a sour cream bread(maybe). They both were very tasty! I think they will be able to open a bread store. After that, another classmate talked about making a bag and gave us her handmade pouch. It was great, too. It looks like a ready-made goods. And another one talked about her son. Her son lives in Shanghai for his job. One day he suddenly came back to Japan. She thought "Why did he come back?". And then, he gave a present for his parents's 31th Wedding anniversary. It's 300,000yen!!!!!!! Unbelievable!!!! What a beautiful story....... I enjoyed everyone's talking.

今日は英会話の日。 今日の課題は「プレゼンテーション」でした。全員が何か1つ題材を決めて話しました。 ガーデニングについて、とか、手作りバッグ、自分の息子のこと・・・などなど。
で、2人の人が手作りパンについて話して、みんなにパンを焼いてきてくれたんです〜\(^O^)/素晴らしい!この写真がそれで、シナモンロール(左)とサワークリーム入りのブレッドです。どっちもかなり美味しかったです。。。彼女たちはお店を開ける!と私は思いました。他にも手作りバッグについて話した人が、手作りポーチをくれました。すごいっ!! 既製品みたいにステキです。
それから・・・息子について話した人もいました。彼女の息子さんは仕事で上海在住だそうですが、ある日突然日本へ帰ってきたそうです。何で帰って来たのかな?と思ったら、両親の31回目(だったと思う)の結婚記念日に、プレゼントを渡すためだったのです。しかも30万円 (~v~)。信じられない〜〜〜〜!すごぉ〜〜〜い!!すごく良い話でした。楽しかったです。

2004/04/05 (月) 16:46:10


Yesterday I ate a king crab from Hokkaido. My parents went to there last week and send me them. Wow!! I ate one with vinegar and panned another one. Both they were very delicious!! I felt happy.
In Hokkaido, there are still many snow. I want to see it some day.

昨日は北海道からタラバガニが届きました\(^^@)/  私の両親が先週行ってきて、送ってくれたのです〜。
1杯(?)は三杯酢で食べて、もう1杯は鍋にしました。 どっちもめっちゃ美味しかった〜〜♪幸せです。

2004/04/03 (土) 13:32:57

Today,I took some pictures of cherry blossom near my house. It seems opened up eight out of ten. So beautiful!
Many people enjoyed it. I felt Spring enough.
