
日記トップ HOMEへ

2004/01/30 (金) 15:03:12
Today, one electoronics mega store opened near my house. It opend at 9am, but I went there 10:30am. Then, I was surprised there were line of many guests to enter it. I stood in line, so I got little gift by shop stuff. The store offered it to the first 1,000people. Besides it run out a woman behind me! Maybe I was 999th!? How lucky!!! I planed only browsing, but I bought a electric pot on sale. I was going to go to supermarket after that, but I couldn't go with electric pot. So I had to come back and went out again.
Now I boiled water in new pot and had Japanese Tea. It's pretty good.
By the way, today's photo is "Burdock and Pork Rice"that is flavor of ginger. I made it yesterday. It is my favorite one.

今日は近所に大型電器店がオープンしました。9時オープンだったけど私は10時半に行ってみると驚いたことに入店するために列が出来ていました。並んで立っているとお店の人が粗品をくれました。それは先着1000名様に配られてたもので、私の後ろにいた女性までで品切れでした。私は999番目だったのね??ラッキー♪ 見るだけのつもりだったけど安売りしてた電気ポットを買いました。その後、スーパーマーケットへ行く予定にしてたけど、ポットを持って行けないので、一旦家に戻り再び出かけました。 今新しいポットでお湯を沸かして煎茶を飲みました。なかなかグーです。。。

2004/01/29 (木) 15:50:05


Yesterday I made Ganmodoki. I often make it recently, because it's very simple and healthy. It is my favorite dish.
I wonder what to make for dinner every day. Anybody tell me your favorite's recipe, please.


2004/01/27 (火) 18:29:46

Today, I'm very tired. Why? I don't know..... I went to play tennis today,too. The fact I don't have tennis shoes, so I always play in sneakers. Then, I have a sore foot and knee now. It was no problem until last week....... Umm.... I decided I will get a pair of tennis shoes! Isn't there any store of the bergain sale somewhere? I don't have much money...

今日はなぜか分らないけど、疲れました〜〜。 今日もテニス行ったのですが、実は私はテニスシューズを持ってなくて、いつも普通のスニーカーでテニスしています。そうしたら足と膝が痛くなってしまった…>_<…先週まで問題無かったのに! だからテニスシューズを買うことに決めました。どこかに安売りしているお店無いですか〜?

2004/01/26 (月) 15:02:37


I went to Samegai by car. Samegai is one of the stage on the Nakasendo high way. I parked my car at JR Samegai Station, and then walked around on foot. Here is very small area. There were a lot of the remaining snow at the roadside and with the snow capped Mt. Ibuki at the back. It was very beautiful!!! And I stopped at JR Maibara Station on my way home. Samegai and Maibara, both town are very countryside, perticularly Maibara have Shinkansen bullet train's station, but there are nothing. So I couldn't eat anything for lunch.

車で醒ヶ井へ行きました。醒ヶ井は中山道の宿場町のひとつです。JR醒ヶ井駅に車を停めて歩いてウロウロしました。とても狭い町だけど道の脇にはたくさん雪が残っていて、バックには雪を被った伊吹山があって、とても綺麗でした♪ それからJR米原駅へも帰りに寄ってみました。醒ヶ井も米原も田舎町だけど、特に米原は新幹線の駅もあるのに、駅前に何も無かった〜〜!(‐_‐) それで昼ご飯を食べられませんでした・・・。

2004/01/23 (金) 20:30:58

I went shopping at drugstore today,too. Of course, I got today's features. After that I went to department store and got a gift for my mother-in-law's birthday. I'm very tired........
But I got some cake! I ate it at home,so I was happy♪


2004/01/22 (木) 15:49:58

It's very cold today. I'm going to make a Kasujiru for dinner. I like it. It makes me worm.
Yesterday I heard good news that my English teacher D will become papa this summer. We were glad to it.
Today, I went to a drug store near my house that opened today. There were a lot of people but I got several features in a bargain sale. I will go to there tomorrow,too, because I want to get a daily feature.

今日はかなり寒い(><) 夕飯は”かす汁”にします。温まるから大好きです。

2004/01/20 (火) 17:27:41

I went to play tennis. I had a great time, but I was not good at tennis today,too. I wish I could do it very well.
By the way, I'm stupid, because I got involved in my TV game for three days. Unbelievable!!!! But I couldn't stop it. The game is "SIM CITY" on play station. We can make my city's simulation by this one. We build a power plant and power transmission line, road, house,school, police atation, fire station, business area and industrial area etc. So it become an increase in population step by step. Then I feel nice. I can't stop play it. I know I so crazy! But maybe I will get tired soon!


2004/01/16 (金) 13:40:38


I took this photo from my terrace this morning. There were snow capped mountain, and so beautiful.
I did nothing especially today. But I went to UNIQLO for the first time this year. So already there were spring clothes. I didn't buy anything, because it still so cold and I don't want their yet.


2004/01/14 (水) 18:28:07

It snowed from the last night to today. The snow lied thick on the ground about 10 centimeters, but less than last month's snow. So I was able to took a English Class today,too. I learn about make a travel's plan. And after the class, I went for lunch at Japanese restaurant with my teacher and my classmates. My teacher "J" is from New York. And he have lived in China before came to Japan. So we asked him some questions about NY, about Chinese life etc. I had a great time today,too.
By the way, today I have a terrible muscle ache(><)(><)(><).

昨夜から今日にかけて雪が降った。10cmぐらい積もっていたけど先月の雪より少なかった。だから今日も英会話へ行けました。 今日は旅のプランについての会話を習いました。授業後、先生とクラスメイトさんたちと和食の店でランチ。”J”先生はニューヨーク出身で、日本に来る前は中国に住んだこともあるので、ニューヨークのこととか中国の生活などいろんな質問をしました。今日も充実した一日でした・・・・・。

2004/01/13 (火) 16:37:04

       竹島への橋   竹島水族館の魚ちゃん!

I went to the Gamagori districts by car last Sunday. At first, I stopped at Takeshima that is small Island. There is a bridge that is 387meters from the mainland to Takeshima. We can cross it on foot. Then, there is a Shrine and we can walk around the Island about 30 minutes. But that day it was so strong wind. So I was very cold and pretty hard to walk.
And next, I went into "Takeshima Aquarium". It was small one, but there were many kind of fishes. I enjoyed there.
After that, I ate "Tendon" at Japanese restaurant near the Takeshima. Maybe this restaurant is famous one, because there were a lot of photo and autograph of a well known person. Tendon was 1800yen. It's pretty expensive for me, but so delicious!!!!!

And then, Yesterday, I went to Nagoya and I saw Japanese music concert. My friend appeared on the stage, and played a Shamisen. To my surprise, there were many young women's player. They weared beautiful Kimono. I have a few Kimono, so mometimes I want wear their. But I can't wear it by myself. Dressing of Kimono is too difficult for me...... Anyway I enjoyed the concert.

And Today, I played tennis for 2 hours. It was pretty strong wind, but I could. I'm not good at tennis, but I like it.


そして昨日は、邦楽コンサートを聴きに、名古屋へ行きました。友達が三味線を弾きました。驚いたことに、若い演奏者がとても多かったです。みんな綺麗な着物を着ていて、私も何枚か着物を持っているから、着たくなりました〜。でも自分で着付けが出来ません(T.T)着物の着付けは難しいです。 でも、コンサートは楽しみました。


2004/01/09 (金) 16:15:50

I'm watching TV drama -"Shiroi Kyoto" every Thursday. It is one surgeon's story. He is so efficient doctor, but overconfident person. He always cares only about his status and honor, and treats a general patient poor. Finally, one patient died who was operateed him. I can't wait to watch a next story.
Then, I always feel that if the inside story of a university hospital is such a thing, too fearful.


2004/01/07 (水) 18:08:47

I took a English Class today. It was first class this year. I pause to realized that English is so difficult for me. I feel I have to study more and more.
By the way, I ate "Nanakusa-gayu"this morning. Now, I will be healthy for this year! Did everyone eat one??? In fact, I didn't like "Okayu"very much, but now, I like it since year-end cold.

ところで、今朝は「七草粥」を食べました。これで1年間健康でいられるはず! 皆さんも食べられましたか〜?実は私はおかゆが嫌いだったんですけど、この前の風邪以来好きになりました。

2004/01/06 (火) 16:18:36

このサイトの掲示板にも書いたけど、年末年始は最悪だった(‐_‐)。 28日に神戸で友達と1日楽しく・・・・・豪華にステーキランチ食べて、布引のハーブ園行って、山上から神戸の景色を眺め、カラオケも行って・・・・と元気に過ごしたまでは良かったけど、実家へ帰ると可愛い可愛い甥っ子たちと久々(でも無いか?)の再会。 吐き下しの風邪をひいてる・・・と言ってたけど、結構元気で2日間一緒に遊んだけど、その甥っ子に会った人が、全員その風邪をうつされた!?という話を聞き怯えていたら、やっぱり来ました私にも!!! 胃が気持ち悪い〜〜から始まって、ひどい下痢(汚い話でごめんなさい^^;)と寒気がしてきて・・・・38℃超えてたので、早めに夜間もやってる病院へ!風邪が流行ってることもあって待ち時間3時間…>_<…点滴してもらって2時間弱・・・終了したときには夜中の2時過ぎてました。。゛(ノ><)ノ ヒィ。
「年越しそば」を食べ損ねたけど、それはまあいいかっ! 体重も激減・・・・・してたのに、すぐ元通りになったし・・・・σ(^◇^;)