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2003/10/30 (木) 16:21:19

It's beautiful day today,too ! I went shopping to JUSCO near my house. I got a lot of foods.
Maybe I can't up date this site for one week. I'm sorry. Have a nice three-day weekends.(^o^)/~~


2003/10/28 (火) 16:48:50

Last Saturday I went to Toyokawa Inari taisha shrine. It is one of three main Inari Taisha of Japan. It was pretty large, but Fushimi Inari Taisha is more larger.
And then, I went on a drive to Suzuka Skyline last weekend's midnight. I parked my car in the mountains. There were not any light and surrounded by mountains. Complete darkness. When I looked up at the sky, I was very surprised! There were a infinit number of stars! It was grand! It was gorgeous! Besides, I saw three shooting stars for only 10min! I saw their for the first time in my life. I'm so happy!!!!!

それから、週末の真夜中12時ごろ、鈴鹿スカイラインへドライブしました。周りに全く明かりが無い四方を山に囲まれた真っ暗な場所に車を停めて、空を見上げるとビックリ! そこには無数の星が本当にたくさん見えました。しかも、たった10分ほどの間に3つも流れ星を発見! 生まれて初めての体験でした。すごく嬉しかった!!!

2003/10/24 (金) 15:45:03

I went shopping at one department store yesterday. I got a sweater to my father(his birthday comming soon) and a zip up knit to myself. After that I asked to my friend went to lunch with me, so she agreed. We went to one famous restaurant that produced the local farm, but it was the first time for me. There were many kind of vegetable's meals. All-meal were very good ! I'd like to go there again.
Then, I visited my friend's house. She has been learning a erhu (Chinese Koto?) since the begining of this year. So she played it for me. The sound was so nice. I like this tones. I think she is good player. And I charenged it for the first time. It's very difficult but I had a interest. Anyway, I had a great time yesterday.

 昨日は、デパートで父の誕生日プレゼントにセーターを買い、自分のニットもゲット! それから友達をランチに誘って、一緒に地元の農場が経営しているレストランに行きました。たくさんの野菜の料理があって全部がすごく美味しかった!!また絶対行きたいです。

2003/10/21 (火) 22:33:50

 あれは確か・・・一昨日の話なのですが・・・夜・・・お風呂に給湯器で湯を入れて・・・・いつも約15分で丁度いいぐらいの湯が入るのですが・・・、15分後にさあ入ろう!と思って浴室へ行くと・・・・・・栓するの忘れてました(;>_<;)。 浴槽1杯分の湯を捨ててしまったわけです(‐_‐)。水とガス・・・どちらも無駄にしてしまったのです・・・(T.T)反省。 

2003/10/20 (月) 16:11:14

I got a snack was Purple sweet potato's chips. It's very good. It was my favorite.
By the way, I went to Ao-falls(AOTAKI) yesterday. My classmate recommended there to me. There was very nice place. I like falls. I'm happy. I up dated Ao-falls page on my web site.


2003/10/17 (金) 17:47:01

What a beautiful day today! So I went shopping at outret shop. Sometimes I go to this shop and I get some clothes. I usually free of trends concerned with fashion. Today I got some autumn and winter clothes. I get around in the shop for 4hours, so I'm very tired. Maybe I can sleep very well tonaight!


2003/10/16 (木) 15:09:25

The other day, when I went to Lake Biwa, I got a very strange food. It's "Funa-Zushi" that is famous local products in there. I hate strange food and bad smell food. But I charenged eat it just a little........( ´−`) I felt strange. It had sour fravor and bad aftertaste. It wasn't as worse as I thought, but I hate it. Maybe I never eat it again.


2003/10/15 (水) 16:33:17

I took a English class this morning today. After that some my classmates and I had a party for lunch at one classmate's house. We visited her house for the first time. We surprised that her house was really big and luxury. I never visited such a house in my life. It's not big word. We had some sandwich and another delicious foods and they were all really good. We had a great time. I'm so happy! I'd like to visit her house again.
By the way, yesterday was my birthday. I got some gift from my parents, husband and my friend. Thank you everyone. And I got a sellphone.

 今日は午前中英会話で、その後、クラスメイト宅に数名でお邪魔してランチパーティーをしました。みんな彼女の家に初めて行ったのですが、あまりにも豪邸でかなりビックリしました! 今まで見たこともないような豪邸でした〜!!!大げさじゃないですよ! オイシイサンドイッチ他色々頂いて、本当に楽しい時間を過ごせました。またお邪魔したいなぁ〜〜(笑)

2003/10/13 (月) 16:22:49

biwako   通天閣

The three-day weekend I went to Osaka by my car. In Osaka, I wanted to buy some 551's Butaman( it's very famous food in Osaka), but the shop had been already closed when I arrived there. I was sad.... But I ate very good food for dinner at Japanese restaurant. I'm happy.
And....I went on a drive to Lake Biwa. The wether was not good, but I could see the Ibuki Mt. and beautiful scene of Lake Biwa. There were many people do the black bass fishing, do the driving. I had a great time.



2003/10/10 (金) 22:10:10

Recently I have been forgetful. For example, I made Chirashi-zushi a few days ago. Because there was pickled ginger in my refrigerater, and I was going to eat with it. But I forgot it. I remembered it today..... Hmm...

Let's enjoy three-day weekend !


2003/10/09 (木) 18:32:41

It was beautiful day today. Lately I'd like to play tennis or something sports. But I hardly have a chance. I spend only autumn eating.....
I don't wanna get fat! Autumn and Winter are very dangerous season, because we can eat many tasty foods.

今日は良いお天気だった。この頃、テニスとか何かスポーツをしたい! でも機会がほとんど無い。 今のところ食欲の秋だけです〜〜。太りたくないけど、秋と冬は食べ物が美味しい季節だ〜〜〜(><)

2003/10/08 (水) 16:38:24
I went to a Port of Nagoya Pubric Aquarium for the first time last Sunday. There were many kind of fishes. We saw dolphin's perfomance, they were so smart and cute.
But, the perfomance was short, so I felt something lacking. And I was disappointed that there were not a seal. I thought that the Aquarium was just strange. Well, it's good enough.
After that, I acquired an icebreaker for an Antarctic research expedition-Fuji. It was very interesting for me, because I hardly get on a ship. I had a great time.
Then, I had a filet steak set meal for my lunch at a restaurant near my house yesterday. That steak was tenderness and pretty good ! I'd like to go the restaurant again.


2003/10/03 (金) 16:33:06

私はマンションに住んでいますが・・・今、片方のお隣が空き家になっています。 でも、数日前からリフォーム工事が始まったので、きっともうすぐ誰か引っ越してくるのかな?と思います。 空き家のままの方が静かだし・・・気楽でいいなぁ・・・・。 静かに暮らしたいので、騒がしい家族が来ると嫌かも(笑)。まあ、良い人だったらいいんだけど・・・・・。

I'm living an apartment. Now, one my next door is empty house, but started a remodel a few days befor. Maybe someone move here soon. I hope to keep a empty it, and quiet. I hate that noisy people. Anyway I hope they are friendly.....
These days I didn't go anywhere, I didn't take a photo. The wether is very beautiful everyday. But I'm not going to anywhere this weekend,too. I feel boring.

2003/10/01 (水) 18:40:47


It's October. Shinagawa station of the Shinkansen was opend, and regulate diesel-powered vehicles around Tokyo. I felt that world was changed many things....... I'm going to Tokyo soon, so I hope to visit Shinagawa and Roppongi. But fashionable place is out of left feald to me. Maybe I look at there from a distance.
Then, today's English class was too hard for me. I couldn't speak in English very well, besides my teacher couldn't speak Japanese....But I enjoyed it.