
日記トップ HOMEへ

2003/09/29 (月) 13:17:31

Yesterday, one car crashed into another car in front of my apartment. I took a nap then, and I junped out of my bed. Because I never heard that crash sound. Fortunately no one was hart, but their cars were broken. I always felt that this place is so dangerous, because many driver doesn't stop there, even though there was set up a stop sign. Be carful !


2003/09/27 (土) 15:23:46


I saw the movie on TV.
It was a really good movie-"Beautiful".
Minnie Driver is in it.
She is from London. Do you know her?
She plays a woman who want to vote a Miss American pagent.
There are two rules in the contest.
The woman who has a child and the woman has received legal protection don't have participating qualification.
She told many lies for win. She has a daughter, but brought up as her friend's child.
Efforts fruit, she was voted a Miss Illinois and she participated a United States convention.
My favorite part was when she was asked t the judge about character herself.
She answered "I hate myself. I was liar until now."
And she shouted at the little girl. "You are my daughter!"
The last, she won the contest. She attained her big dream.

(My teacher)
I saw a movie on TV.
It was a really good movie-"Beautiful".
Minnie Driver is in it.
She is from London. Do you know her?
She plays a woman who wants to win a Miss American pagent.
There are two rules in the contest.
The Woman who have a child and the woman has are receiving legal protection don't have participating qualification.can't participate.
She told many lies to win. She has a daughter, but she was brought up as her friend's child.
By her efforts, she was voted a Miss Illinois and she participated a United States convention.
My favorite part was when she was asked by the judge about her character herself.
She answered, "I hate myself. I was liar until now."
And she shouted at the little girl, "You are my daughter!"
At last she won the contest and She attained her big dream.


2003/09/26 (金) 14:38:00

 今日は、また暑くなりました! 天気も良いし・・・最近、何か痒くなることがあったので、こんな時期にバルサンを実施してみました! 朝から、いろんなものにゴミ袋でカバーして・・・観葉植物は外に出して・・・・2時間以上締め切るので、私もお外へ・・・σ(^◇^;)。 近所のスーパーをウロウロ・・・疲れたからマクドナルドでポテト&コーヒータイム・・・・やっと時間が来たので昼過ぎに家に戻り、換気して大掃除〜〜〜。布団も干したし・・・・これでダニさん退治は終了のはずです!

It's hot and sunny day. So I got rid of flea and house tick, because sometimes I felt itchy. Maybe it is out of season....
I covered my home electric appliances and kitchin things by plastic bag. I took out my house plant. It have to shut up 2hours or more, so I went out. I went around a shopping center near my apartment and I had French fries and a cup of coffee at McDnald's. After that I came home in the afternoon, and took the air out of the room and replenish it with fresh air, and cleaned up the room. And I did air out futons. Maybe, no more the flea and house tick in my room.
But....there were many things that I forgot covered. Maybe, no problem!

2003/09/23 (火) 13:46:24

I was wept one book. The book is "A DOG OF FLANDERS"in English. Last manth I got it a book store in my hometown. This book uses easy English and have been shortened. 
I have been read this story when I was child. But I forgot about the details. There were many difficult wards for me, and I finished read it. It was tearjerker. Nello and Patrasche were so poor. Patrasche was sooooo clever dog !! From now, I'm going to read it again while look in a dictionary. Maybe I weep again.

この本は、子供のころに読んだことがあるけど、詳しい内容は忘れてました。私には難しい単語も出て来ましたが読み終えました。涙ものでした〜〜。ネロとパトラッシュが可哀想でした。パトラッシュはかなり頭の良い犬です! これからもう1度、辞書を引きながら読みます。また泣きま〜す。

2003/09/21 (日) 17:03:50

It's cool today. I'm happy!
Then, I participated in the exchange meeting with Canadian. One Canadian man who is from Toronto, he spoke many Canadian things while watching a map or video. Canada is the country where I 'm the most interested. But today, he spoke only English. So I felt that understood half and not understood half......Anyway I had a great time.
After that, I went to Japanese restaurant for lunch with my friend. She have just been to South Korea a few days ago. And I got the good souvenir from her. Thank you my friend. I'm so glad !


2003/09/19 (金) 8:45:11


2003/09/18 (木) 16:27:59

My answer was mistake. She is social studies teacher. I got it. So, today was last class about British. We learned many things about British. The fact I didn't know anything. But I understood just a little about there. If I have a chance and much money, so I want to visit there someday.
 By the way, I have been to Seoul three and half years ago. Since then I never go abroad. I hope to go to somewhere. One my friend got married last weekend, and she went on honeymoon to Swiss just now. I envy her......


2003/09/16 (火) 15:22:05
Finally I had a haircut about 10cm today. I felt better.
By the way, I went to Cape Irago the day before yesterday. The Cape Irago is very nice view! There is a white lighthouse. I took some photoes. After that, I went to Hamamatsu Shizuoka Pref, because I wanted to eat a eel. But I didn't know good restaurant, so I serected one from many restaurants. I had a "Broiled eel served over rice a lacquered box (Una-Jyu)". It was good. Anyway, Hamamatsu is very big city, so I was surprised.
And now, I have a classmate who is junior high school teacher. (But she took time off now.) I asked to her last week"What subject are you a teacher?". So, she said to me "It's your homework!".......Firs, I wonder if she is a math teacher. But, she speaks very beautyful Japanese, so I decided the answer is "Japanese".


2003/09/13 (土) 12:48:30

今日もやっぱり暑い〜〜〜( ´−`)。

It's hot today.too. This morning, I wanted to buy a pair of jeans, and I try it on. At last I didn't buy anything. After that I went to beuty salon that opened a hour before, but there were already long line of waiting people. I have to wait a hour or more, so I quit a waiting. If I decided to wait, maybe I'm still waiting now.

2003/09/12 (金) 16:17:41

それから・・・・今テレビで流れている三菱の<ek SPORT>っていう車のCMご存知ですか??若い男性が出てるんですけど・・この人、田村圭生(たむら・けい)さんという俳優さんで、ちょっと前にNKHの教育テレビ番組の英会話に出ていたんです。ドラマや映画や・・・たまに出演されているみたいだけど、きっとそれほど有名じゃないかもしれないけど、私は結構お気に入り!(笑)。このCM発見した時は、頑張ってるみたいで嬉しかったです。もっと活躍されますように♪

It's humid tuday, too!! I got on a my bicycle with parasol at noon. There were railroad crossing and down a barrier for 5 minutes. I thought that maybe I faint from the heat. But I didn't it.
Well, I wanted to change my haircut today. I forgot do the wash, when I thought my new hairstyle. I saw the Hairstyle Guide and Fashion magagines, so I found that many fashion modeles had long hair. Umm...I wonder if I don't have short hair. I believe that I'm look good with more a rong hair than a short hair. If I have short hair, I feel older than my age. What do you think about my hairstyle?
By the way. Do you know the TV spot that is a new car"ek SPORT" by MITSUBISHI'. One young man appear in that CM who is Kei Tamura. He is actor. He appeared in NHK's English program, Maybe he is not faimous actor now, I think. But he is my favorite actor. I hope he get famouse actor more and yet more.

2003/09/11 (木) 15:43:38


This morning I thought that it will be raining. But it's so hot and humid day. The cloud and blue sky is so beautiful, so I took some photos.
They are pretty good. Hou about do you think?
So, yeaterday the new English lessons was started. We have one British teacher(he tought us all the while) and one American teacher. I think I'm happy, because I can learn British English and American it. ( The fact I don't know difference between British to American)
At first,I introduced myself, but I was so nervous and I couldn't do well. I feel bad. But these days I'm looking forward to English lessons,so I feel a week goes by fast. I have a homework. I have to write about a movie that I have seen one.
Oh! Today is harvest moon, isn't it. I bought some' Akafuku' instead of 'Tsukimi-Dango'. I hope to see a beautiful full moon and Mars tonaight.

2003/09/09 (火) 13:32:43

この頃、ずっとホームページの修正で忙しくしています〜〜〜。あと一息で、元通りになりそうなので、頑張ります! 新しい掲示板も作ったけど、どうもシンプルすぎて、面白くないなぁ・・・って思ったりしているので、また変えてしまう可能性もアリです。
そうそう!この頃、スーパーへ行くたびに、新しいチョコレートを発見しています。今お気に入りは<ポッキーG>っていう新しい種類のポッキーです。これは、軸のプリッツの部分が今までのポッキーと違った歯ごたえで、チョコはビターなので私の好み♪ それから今日は期間限定の<ブラックココア小枝>なんていうものを買ってしまいました・・・。まだ残暑厳しいというのに、既に’食欲の秋’??(T.T)

2003/09/04 (木) 17:50:00

What a hot day!!! I was dying to heat.....
Today, I took a class about England, I learn about being British. It's so difficult and interesting to me. British education program is completely different to Japanese. Buritish is respect a self-responsibility. They have to choose what to learn on 13 years old. It's a great thing!

すごいシステムですよね〜〜〜ビックリ。日本では、私も含めてですが、大学に入っても、将来何するかなんて、分らない人が多いですよね?今は違ってるのかな??とりあえず、ステキなシステムだなぁ・・・と思いました。受験のために、必要の無い勉強を浅く広〜〜くする日本より、興味のあること、将来に役立つことを深く追求するほうが絶対良いに決まってる!!・・・って思いました。 国が違えば、こんなにも環境が違うのか〜〜〜って、ちょっとショックでした。こんな文章・・・・英語で書けません(T.T)

2003/09/03 (水) 18:31:18

I went to Sakae Nagoya and saw exhibision about Kabuki with my friends. And they had a Hashinosuke Nakamura's talk show. He's Kabuki's actor. I saw it a standing space, and there was so small apace, so very overcrowded.
After that, we had a pasta lunch. But that restaurant was so small space,too. Next, we got a some sweets at DEPA-CHIKA. I got a Pastel's Nameraka-pudding. I'm looking forwared to eat it after dinner.



2003/09/02 (火) 18:02:48

実は、5日ほど前、私のホームページが突然ネット上から姿を消しました! 朝見たときはあったのに、午後見ると「not found」になっていて、何度見ても無い〜〜(T.T)。急いで使っていた無料サイトに問い合わせてみると、「規約違反のため削除しました」tの返答のみ! どこが規約違反だったのか?とか質問は一切受け付けないそうです。腑に落ちないまま、気を取り直して、新しく作成中なのですが、よく考えると、使っていた写真も貼り付けられるBBSに問題があったのかな?と思います。

The fact, my website disappeared from the internet five days before. I saw it that morning, but saw 'not found' the afternoon. I tried a few times, but I couldn't find it. So, I asked one provider I used, then they said to me' your website was broke an agreement'. That's all. Why?
Anyway, my website was disappeared. I have no choice. By any chance, I thought that cause was my BBS.

日記トップ HOMEへ